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Charles POV

I sat at the front of my yacht, just staring in the direction of Lana and I's old apartment. I've stayed here ever since moving out. It was my safe place. I could be out on the water alone. I had everything I needed. Wifi, food, drinks, everything.

Ever since the night I made the worst mistake of my life and lost the love of my life I haven't been the same. I don't enjoy races as much because she's not cheering me on and waiting for me to win. I don't enjoy being home in Monaco, it's filled with so many memories along with so many other cities in the world. I have no explanation for what I did but I know it was not right and Lana has every right to hate me. But I would truly do anything, ANYTHING to get her back. I want that future we had planned back.


Lana Amore🤍-

Apple Music link to:
Adele - I Miss You

Did she really just text me? I immediately opened the text and played the song. I'm not to sure how to explain it but it's almost like I NEEDED to hear this song. I relate to it so much, it was a perfect way to explain how I miss her but since she was sending it to me, it must meant she missed me? Right?

I texted her back saying "Anima mia..." as the song kept playing. My soul in Italian, because she was.

Lana Amore🤍-
I miss you. I still can't believe you and what you did. But I miss you. I want you. Why Charles? Why? We had a future.

Amore I'm sorry... Please come to the yacht and talk in person if you're willing. I don't want to do this over text.

Lana Amore🤍-
I don't even know if I can look at you Charles.

Per Favore?

Lana Amore🤍-
Fine. Be there in 15.

Oh my god. She was actually coming. I have to clean up a bit. I didn't she would answer let alone, say yes to coming to talk in person! I cleaned up a bit and got some snacks out as well as drinks and set them on the front of the boat where I was sitting originally, it was her favorite spot as well. I saw her headlights pull up and everything almost felt slow no. I was nervous as well, more nervous than I would be before a race.

I walked over to where the entrance is and saw her walking up. Black sweatshirt and sweat pants, messy bun, no make up. My favorite way to see her. Don't get me wrong she's absolutely stunning when she's glammed up but natural Lana is my favorite Lana.

"Buona sera." I said as I welcomed her in. I tried to speak as much Italian and French as I can with her since she's just as fluent and I loved the way she spoke. But all she did was smile and walk to the front of the yacht.

"Come Stai?" She asked me as she sat down.

"Eh. I can't say good. I know I put you through the worst pain imaginable and its made me think about so much. How stupid I was. How much I lost. How you were more than just the love of my life. I'd do anything to get you back Lana. I'd do anything to fix all of this and go back to the past." I said.

"I've been the same if you were curious." She replied back. Fuck, see I went on about me immediately and fucked it up. Should've asked her instead.

"See! I fucked up again." I exclaimed in Italian as I put my head in my hands.

"I'm just kidding Charles. Im glad you spoke up. Im sorry you haven't been ok but yes you did put me through something I never ever imagined. That was by far the worst pain I've ever experienced!" She said.

"I'd love to get back together. I'd love to have that future we planned again. But there's so much damage that's been done and so much work to be done in order for us to be together again plus my dad is your race manager. He may know what happened and doesn't let that effect you two but oh my, so help me he will come after you if we get back together. You'll have to please him before me." She added on.

That was true. Her dad is very protective over her and Mila both so when he found out what happened he pulled me into his office with her brother Phillipe who's my race engineer and the General Manager and yelled like I've never been yelled at before. He let me know he wouldn't let this effect our work ethic and anything with F1 which I appreciated but he never wanted me around Lana, only her really. That's why I haven't gone up to her or anything at races when I see her. I don't think she knows about the office visit. But she knows her dad hates me. I want her though so it's my mission to get her Dad and Lana's trust back.

"I know. I know! I regret everything Lana! I regret it the minute I realized what the fuck I had done! I can't be more sorry, please I will work on getting your dads trust back, I will work on us. Please." I begged her while holding her hands.

"Charles I- I don't-" she said.

"Per favore Lana Marianna. You're everything to me. I will work on us." I begged again.

"Prove it." Was all she said. I nodded before I kissed her hands. I couldn't believe it. I mean this wasn't a for sure yes but I could put in effort! That's something!

"Would you like to stay and eat something or talk more?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"Duhh. I didn't drive to stay, cry for a second and leave 10 minutes later." She laughed. "You may have ALOT of work to do but, that doesn't mean we can't have fun." Then she got up and went to where all the controls were for the speakers. I knew what she was doing. This girl is showing her real self again and getting comfortable. Blasting music and dancing around while singing.

I missed THESE nights. Just her and I, goofing off, making memories.

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