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"Oh. Oh. Too bright." I said as I woke up with a raging headache and a stomach that was in desperate need of bread. A hangover. The light was peaking through the windows slightly but of course, right in my eyes. Yesterday was Milas party and it was something else. 300 guests, fireworks, jet skis, everything. It was such a fun time and a great way to send her off to college. Most of the F1 guys like Lando, Daniel, Max, Pierre, all of them showed up along with their girlfriends. Arthur came as well. Charles stayed at his yacht, we agreed it'd be a bad idea for him to come and way to risky since we were going out to sea. Not staying at the dock. He'd be stuck on the boat and god forbid my dad caught us while we were in the middle of the water. That's be horrible.

"What. No." I said to myself, realizing where I was.

In Charles bed, on his yacht. That explains why I'm so dizzy. Normally I'm not when I'm hungover. I looked over to my side and saw Charles. He was in a deep sleep and barely snoring, shirtless and bundled up in his blanket.

"How the fuck..." I thought to myself. I was beyond confused. I didn't want to just leave him, he looked precious and peaceful and that'd be bad of me to do. I'm not even sure what happened or how I got here.

I found my phone on the side table connected to my charger that I brought with me on the boat. I had packed a whole bag which would be why I'm in a sweatshirt and underwear right now. Luckily all my clothes. Not his. I checked my messages and just had one from mom.

Mama❤️- 4:12am
Hey sweetheart, we made you stay back on the yacht cause you were more than past your limit last night haha Mila and I are heading back to Maranello for a few hours at 8am. I'm sure you'll still be asleep still but please let me know when you're awake. Love you.

Okay so I was SUPPOSED to stay at the yacht and that's where I originally was. Did I really walk all the way down to Charles? Did he come to me? I checked more of my messages. Never sent anything other than some videos and pictures of me drunk. Nice. I'm sure he got a kick out of those. Never texted Mila. No one. Wow. Still so confused but I guess I will wait for Charles to wake up.

I continued to scroll through more videos and pictures from the party. Not recalling anything. Like I said before, I party the American and European way so I go HARD. Only for celebrations of course. Not just anytime I drink. There were videos of everyone dancing, taking shots, me shotgunning cans of white claw which I HATE but if I'm drunk enough, it's ok so I knew I was so far gone by that point. I went on Instagram and saw how everyone was posting videos and pictures as well. Im glad everyone had a good time. I know Mila did, found a video of her stumbling and everyone dying laughing including herself and my mom. It was just such an odd stumble you couldn't help yourself but laugh.

"Buongiorno." He said with his sexy, raspy, voice. No time for games but damn his voice in the morning always and will forever catch me off guard.

"Come? Perché? Non ho capito bene." How? Why? I'm so confused, I said in Italian back to him. He just chuckled while rubbing his eyes.

"You drunkenly walked from your boat allllllllll the way down there, came banging at my door at 2am saying you were lonely on your yacht and then just crashed into bed. Couldn't kick you out. Missed sleeping next to you." He explained switching back to English. I looked at him trying hold in my laugh, he started to do the same until we just busted out laughing.

"You doing that on top of those videos you sent me of you, pure entertainment." I just laughed some more. "Don't make fun of meeee." I jokingly said while snatching the blanket and turning away from him.

"You can't go anywhere now miss. Not again." He said while snatching me and pulling me in closer to him as he both laid down. I couldn't help but just hold his arms that were wrapped around me. He was right, I wasn't going anywhere. We haven't spent the night together or anything since the break up. Like I keep telling myself, take it slow this time around. I'm glad we didn't sleep together though or he didn't try to pull a move.

I sat there a little while longer, holding onto him as he held on to me. Our breathing becoming in sync. I can slightly hear his heartbeat which brings so much comfort to me. Then we both ended up falling asleep again.

*3 hours later at 11am*

I suddenly woke up in a panic to my phone ringing.


"Shit." I said.

"Shit." Charles said as well while sitting up and seeing my phone. I couldn't believe we fell asleep again!

"Oh hi mama. I see you left me here." I answered the phone trying to mimic my voice when I wake up and yawning.

"Haha, yeah you went to all out last night it was our only option. How was your sleep? How do you feel now?"

"It was ok, I just woke up. Don't feel good, voice is gone." I replied.

"Awe I'm sorry honey. There should be some stuff in the bar area to help you like tea." She let me know of. "Oh thank you mama. I'll make it for sure."

"Oh good and while you're at it, Phillipe and Elena came by 10 minutes ago to wake you up and said you weren't there..." I sat there in shock. She was on speaker so Charles heard it all. We both looked at eachother, speechless, not sure what to do or say.


"Lana are you with Charles?!" She exclaimed. I could hear my dad in the background start shouting. I didn't know what to say...


Ooooo smaller chapter but wanted to do something. Hopefully y'all are enjoying it, I enjoy the likes and views! I have another book that I've started on called The Monarch and it is a M.V. one if any of you would like to check it out :))


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