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Lana's POV

When I landed in Austria last night, I was hit with a bunch of texts from Charles that he had sent when I was in the air. He was so mad and asking "why" and why I did what I did and at first I was so confused and begging him to tell me what was wrong but none of my texts were going through to him. He must have blocked my number.

When I had gotten into the cars waiting for us I went on Twitter and saw what he was freaking out about.

"Oh fuck!" I yelled. My mom yelled at me in Arabic to watch my mouth. She only ever spoke that when she was extremely serious.

A picture of Lando and I had leaked but the pictures was so old! Before Charles and I! 5 years ago Lando and I were going to be a PR couple but it lasted a week before he got an actual girlfriend.

I immediately started to text Charles numerous texts begging him to respond, telling him those photos were old and it's nothing to worry about. My texts still weren't going through and I was getting overly frustrated. Eventually I just locked my phone and took deep breathes so my mom wouldn't notice something serious was going on.

The picture that leaked was the ONE picture ever taken of us that was planned and it was him holding me and kissing me. It was suppose to look like a "fan" caught us. Now since this one picture was leaked means someone within McLaren or Ferrari leaked it.

Once we got to the hotel my mom dropped off some stuff and then went to the track to meet up with my dad and Phillipe. Once she was gone I tried to call Charles but it was going straight to voicemail, "for fucks sales Charles!" I yelled while throwing my phone on the bed. I got my computer out and brought it to the bed so I could try and send emails out about this photo and also get some work done so I won't have any tomorrow.

In the middle of me writing the emails I got a text,

Lando N.-

Who? The? FUCK?!

Lando N.-
Hahaha why're you so worried about it? You're not with Charles anymore, right?

Who did it Lando? Was it you? What tf is going on?!

All he did was leave me on read. Something in me is saying Lando did it and that he might know something he shouldn't know. I can't immediately assume him but my gut has never been wrong.

I finished up the emails and move along to my F1 work creating new banners and signs for the future races. Once I was finished I got a ride to the track and made my way to the Ferrari paddock and hung out with my mom while she watched my dad and Phillipe work.

*race day*

I sat with my mom during the race with headsets on, nerves shooting through my body, listening to Charles and sometimes we could hear Carlos. I was really focused on Charles. I haven't heard from him since those texts and I haven't heard from Lando either from anyone if I'm honest. Everyone has given me stand off-ish vibes and like no one wants to be around me. I can feel the side eyes and hear the whispers going around. I fucking hate this!

I could hear Charles anger through the headset and he was about to battle Lando. "Charles! Let him overtake!" Phillipe yelled through the radio. "Fuck no! He can stay there!" Charles screamed in Italian. It was about to get serious.

"Charles! Listen to me! You've got to box, let him!" He continued more aggressively. That's when Lando and charles got side by side. They were becoming extremely aggressive and it was dangerous. Pieces flying back and tires locking up "this is quite literally the most aggressive battle we've ever witnessed in formula 1 history! I certainly would think a red or yellow flag would've been pulled by now because they're cutting it close." I could faintly hear through the speakers outside.

"God damn it Charles!" Phillipe said before Charles spun out of control and hitting the barrier at a high speed after Lando clipped his tire. "No!" I screamed before hitting my mouth with my hands and shaking. This was not a pretty accident and I am so worried Charles is extremely hurt.

"Charles Leclerc has crashed into the barrier after Lando Norris clipped his tire. Red flag has been pulled while they get Charles out of the car safely. I hope he is okay." I couldn't focus on whatever else was being said over the speakers as I was too focused on the TV with tears forming in my eyes just hoping he gets out of the car okay.

I could see them pull him out and I see him wave to opt out of the stretcher meaning he was okay. Thank god. I could feel the relief to rush over me seeing him walk out on the Tv.

They drove him back to the box where everyone was waiting for him and the tractor got the car off the track. As soon as he got back everyone was huddling him asking if he was ok. I walked out of the box into the hallway where his team room is. I waited at the end of it in hopes no one would see me but I'd be able to catch him and check on him myself.

I stood there for a few minutes before I heard foot steps that sounded like his and the door to his room open. I peeked around quickly and got a glimpse of him walking into his room. He was alone.

I ran up to the door and quietly knocked before opening it, "I just wanted to come check on yo-" "what the fuck do you want Lana?! You know what you did!" He yelled while interrupting me.

"I don't know why Charles but my texts aren't going through! But I've been trying to call and text you to tell you those pictures, yes they're Lando and I bu-" was all I could get out, "they're true?! They're true!" He yelled louder while grabbing his lower back and making a face like he's in pain.

"Sit down you just nearly killed yourself out there. Yes they're true but they're 5 years old Charles! They're not recent! I promise you!" I exclaimed. "Before you and I! We were a PR stunt and lasted a week! A week!"

"Whatever. Everyone on Twitter is saying they saw you together recently!" He yelled back. "You're gonna believe people on the fucking internet over the girl you've been claiming to win back?!"

He sat there for a second staring at me, I just stared back into his emerald green eyes while mine teared up. "Please Charles! They're not new! They're so fucking old! Please just listen to me! Someone here had to have leaked them!" At this point I was bawling and begging him to just listen and believe me. Then he just pulled out his phone and handed it to me. It was shattered and unable to turn on completely. "I threw it when I saw the picture." He said, I looked up at him with my teary face. "I'm sorry I should've told you about that thing with him. It was barely even a PR stunt so I thought it didn't matter. That picture was taken by press team and was faked so it had to have been someone here or at McLaren." I explained as I sat next to him and just hugged him lightly.

"Ow, sorry, the soreness is already kicking in. But I understand. I'm sorry I freaked out. I didn't mean to yell at your like that. That's not okay of me to do. The adrenaline from seeing it all and the crash doesn't help. I'm sorry belle fille. I am." He said while hugging me back and kissing my head. "I already got on top of emailing everyone about the photo and making sure something is said or put out about it all being false and old. Trust me I already got it taken care of." I said. "It had to have been Lando..." he said randomly.

"Why?" I asked, getting off of him and looking at him.

"I told him."

"What?" I asked for clarification on what he meant.

"That we're back together." He said. No. Lando wouldn't try to ruin us. Would he?!

I'm so sorry for the delay! I got writers block for a minute and needed some time to re think ideas and stuff but I should be good to go now! I created drafts full of ideas and different inspiration to help me🤣

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