Chapter thirteen

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Han's POV

I sat on a bench while staring at the scenery where the greeny trees were orderly surrounded and the overwhelming melody of the kid's laughter's echoing through the area. This place... It looks the same even after three years. I remember the first time I came here... It was with Minho, when he kept nagging that he can't stay in indoors.

Currently I am at the park which is close to Minho's previously lived house. It's been few minutes so, I am waiting for him to come and I hope he does.

After an hour...

"I'm sorry , I got late" a man came Infront me and said. It was Minho. "Fine! Take a seat." I said while patting the side of the bench. "How long have you been waiting?". "An hour maybe?" I said unsure. After a moment of silent I spoke. "So... Are you gonna explain this whole situation or you're gonna stay silent?" I questioned and it sounded harsh than I expected.

"I'll say" he looked at me. "I'm listening" I said in a soft tone as he started. "So that day after you called me, two men came to the dorm. And they said that I will be their leader. They asked me to rule the mafia. First I denied because I wanted a normal life but then they said that those bastard in the mafia planned to kill my family." He paused.

"I told you once that parents were rulers of mafia right?" I nodded agreeing. "And also I'm an orphan?" He said lowering his head.i couldn't help it but feel bad so I held his hand reassuring him while he looked at me with wide eyes. "You can continue" I said while caressing his hand. he nodded.

"After they said they killed my family I couldn't believe that there is someone who'll be the reason for all my sorrow, loneliness and the criticism I got when my parent died. Just if they didn't kill them then I would've had a nice life with my parents." At this point he was literally about to break down but he continued after taking a deep breath.

"So I thought I should get the revenge and also I don't regret it till now" he said. "So you joined the mafia?" He hummed for my question. "Why didn't you even think of informing me? You would've informed me! I was searching for you like crazy!" I didn't intend to yell but I did.

"I am sorry" he looked at his lap. "I thought you would be in trouble if you get involved with me" Minho looked at me again just right into my eyes. "Do you forgive me?" He asked again with a low tone. I honestly can't say no I still love this boy too much. "Fine" I sighed. A cute smile flashed on his face after I replied.

Minho's POV

I took a deep breath in as it felt so good to share this with someone. Or particularly him. "Jisung so, How have you been?" I started. "You're an agent?" I added looking at him. He hummed. " I guess I'm good? Remember once I mentioned my mother was a secret agent?" I nodded. "So I got the job" he casually said.

"But Minho you're in a big mess if you know." Jisung suddenly said. I know I'm in a big mess but I know there's no way out anyways. "I'll be fine". "I guess" I added. "I don't think so. You're the freaking first ranked mafia leader and the most wanted. I wouldn't be shocked if I got a mission to arrest you" jisung's voice sounded somewhat sarcastic.

"I know you wouldn't dare though" I smiled. He smiled back at me. "So are we all clear now?" I asked hesitantly. "Yep" he said. "Well I have a question." He paused. "I was searching for you I contacted all the other guys too even searched for them but they were missing along with you too so do they have anything to do with you. Even I remember I saw hyunjin" He asked suspiciously.

"Hmm they are working with me all the six." I said. "Wanna meet them?" I questioned. "They would be surprised" I added. He nodded. I stood up and held a hand Infront of him. He gripped on it and stood up as I walked towards my car. He followed along with me still holding hands.

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