Chapter twenty-three

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Han's POV

"Go on" Sangho demanded as he followed me from behind. He really thinks he can order me around like nothing.

I kept quiet despite my anger and just watched where I was walking. Sangho drove me to this almost fancy yet creepy building. As I was walking I had many glares shooting towards me,do they even know me? This place is just strangely quiet as well.

I halted on my steps as I felt the other man stopped walking. I turned around to be met with a door to another room. It didn't look old or rusty but somehow brand-new. So the inside is most likely to be luxurious too, maybe.

Sangho pressed his finger on the handle accessing the lock. The door opened to a new pathway. I was wrong,this place it's weird. A fewer guard were placed on the way. The place wasn't nicer than the previous ones but rather ugly.

The uncommon dark blue paint, coated the wall that was filled with some picture if different men.

The spiders have found their habitats in those frame edges as well.

"You can't have any weapon's with you" Sangho spoke calmly as we stood infront of a another room with a guard Infront. "Is it a rule or it's just for me" I crossed my arms glaring at the latter. "The second one it is" he replied as he signalled the guard to check.

I kept quiet letting the guard take my gun after checking. I can't risk fighting with them, at least not now. It is his headquarters anyways, or one of his base lands so I must stay low.

The door was opened to a small, dark room. I was able to see the faint reflection of a man by the only small light that entered to the room.

"That's him" Sangho pointed with a heartly laugh. There's no way this man just let me enter his base and almost show me around.

I was too lost in my thoughts cause I know this man is plotting something. But what's it?

I was suddenly pushed inside the room making me stumble on the steps. I heard the lock clicking as soon as I a stood properly. "Oh I see"

I kept my ear to the door. "Don't let him out and don't feed him as well" it was Sangho ordering his guard.
I sighed turning around. It was too dark for my vision and the window was just refracting some street lamp's light.

'they didn't take my phone' I thought as I felt my phone in my pocket. As I thought, there's no network in here. I got no choice but walk towards the reflection.

The man Infront me was awfully quiet. I turned my flashlight on trying to get a sight of the room as well as the man.

"My father indeed!" I whispered as I noticed the man's facial features. Well we had identical eyes for sure. "What's you name" I asked looking at the man who I'm supposed to be calling father.

The man came to an eye contact with me but his eyes widened as he saw me. "Jisung?" His mouth was wide open as he looked at me. How the hell does he even know my name? I took a step closer to him while glaring.

"What are you doing... Here?" He spoke out confusedly looking just as innocent for a killer. I was annoyed, to say the least. "Me?" I sarcastically pointed at my self.

"For this" my phone fell from my hand as my hand flashed to my shoes, dragging out the dagger I had perfectly succeeded in camouflaging. The knife was swiftly place before his throat. I was in no mood for any explanation and my so called father didn't look like he had any.

Everything was advantageous for me now. He's tied up to the chair and helpless. I can easily kill him so that's what I was about to do but as my hand moved more closer to his throat, they abruptly stopped.

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