Chapter sixteen

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Minho's POV

After jisung left I sat on the couch as I watched the boys leave to their own rooms. It was pretty late so I assume that they are tired but I rather stay till jisung comes. I turned on the television as a time pass till jisung comes but couldn't find anything interesting after continue channel switch ups, so I just went through my phone.

"Hi baby! Missed me?" I heard someone say and the voice sounded familiar. It was Hae-ra. I stood up and saw that Hae-ra coming towards me, then hugged me. I just stood there dumbfounded. "I don't know about you but I missed you alot" Hae-ra exclaimed while breaking the hug. "Why did you come here?" I asked her after a long silence. She looked at me with a frown.

"I am coming straight away from the airport just to meet you and you're asking why I came?" She sounded offended when she said that. I rolled my eyes. "Well you're not planning to spend the night here are you?" I asked. "Oh that would be a good idea-" she was cut off but the sound of the front door opening. Hae-ra turned her head towards the door so did I.

And when I turned I saw Jisung walking inside. Shit what a timing jisung. He stopped walking when he noticed us looking at him. "Minho?" He called me with a confused tone. "Y-yeah" shit why did stutter. "Aren't you the one from the party!" Hae-ra yelled in disbelief which made me facepalm. "Minho what is he doing here?" She questioned me. He's my boyfriend you bitch. I looked at jisung with a nervous expression.

"He's... He's my friend" I almost wanted to punch Hae-ra when I saw Jisung frown. "Oh! Friend? But at the party- I cut her off pulling her hand. "You should rest a little you just came after a long trip so take a shower and rest" I said trying my best to sound sweet. I dragged her to the guest room because I didn't want to talk any further. I somehow convinced her to stay at the room.

I walked towards the living room to find Jisung sitting on the couch. "Hmm... Friend, I see!" Jisung said said sarcastically while not looking at me. "I'm sorry ok? I just didn't want to start a fight at the middle of the night!" I said as I sat next to him. "Whatever! Where is my room?" He asked standing up. "You're staying in my room" I said taking his luggage. "What are you doing?" He asked with a frown.

"Let me carry it for you"  I said walking towards the staircase. "If you think this buttering would work with me you're wrong" he said walking past me but he didn't take the luggage though. "Yeah! Yeah! You think I care if you're sulky" I yelled following him.

Han's POV

I sat on the bed waiting for Minho to come. He walked inside and glared at me. "I'm offended! You first called me a friend and now you're glaring at me" I said folding my arms. "I'm sorry! What should I do to make it up to you?" he said coming towards me. "I don't want anything!" I said looking away. I am honestly not mad at him I just want to play a bit hard.  He punched me lightly and said "stop it will ya? I am really sleepy, I waited for you all awake till you come!" He said while lying down on the bed.

"Well why did you take so long? You took almost two hours to come!" He asked. "Well I had to deal with something on the way" I said with a serious expression while lying down next to him. "Is it related to your case?" He asked. "Hmm... Yeah" I said. "You know what?" He turned to my side. "You should try telling me about your case maybe I can help" he added smiling.

I looked at him with a skeptical look. "What I can solve case ok?"  He said sounding offended. "Ok! Ok... So" I told him about the case in details. "Oh is that so" he said after a few seconds of silence. "In my opinion I think this Yijun is hiding something" he exclaimed. "Because they wouldn't kidnap a kid without a reason! Has he ever said?" I Shaked my head.

"I know he's hiding something" I said calmly. "So what did you find today?" He asked. "Well it's a bit complicated to say"...
"Yeah, hyung I'll be coming there tomorrow with some of my friends" I informed Jungho through the earpiece while driving towards Minho's place. But I suddenly hit the brakes when I heard a loud gunshot along with a loud scream. "What was that?" I whispered to my self while getting down the car with my gun. I slowly walked towards the dark alleyway where I heard the sound.

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