Satya Bhama's father death

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Shatadhanva killed Satrajit on the day he got the gem from Krishna, took it from him and gave it Akrura. Akrura’s murder was carefully planned by Shatadhanva and his brother Kritavarma.

Shatadhanva promised Akrura not to reveal this matter to anyone. Akrura confirmed that he would help him if he was chased by krishna. He was so proud that the whole Dwaraka city will be under his control.

Sathyabhama was shocked hearing about her dad’s murder. She cried and departed to Varanavata by the chariot.

Krishna offered oblations of water to Pandavas who was burnt in the wax palace(But Krishna knew that they were alive).

After hearing Sathyabhama’s statements, he handed over remaining duties to Satyaki and returned to the Dwaraka city. Now Krishna claimed over the gem because of his father-in-law’s death. He told this matter to Balarama. So the fight was happened between Shatadhanva and Krishna. Shatadhanva looked for Akrura’s help but Akrura escaped

deliberately. So now, Shata was frightened and got his mare called Vijnathahridhya. He could flee for 100 Yojanas by using that mare.

The mare was died after fleeing for 100 Yojanas. Krishna noticed this,chased him by feet, killed him and searched for the gem. But he didn’t find it. Krishna
informed this matter to Balarama who asked about the gem. Balarama disappointed and showered anger on Krishna and went to Mithila. The king of Mithila welcomed him happily. This incidents were happened on the way to Mithila.

Akrura performed sacrifices continuously and cleansed himself for the protection of the gem. If one has to perform sacrifices, he need more money and he got wealth from that gem. He did it for sixty years(Manmathanath Dutt’s version said 60,000 years).This is called as Akrura Yajna.

In the mean time, Duryodhana went to Mithila and learnt the art of mace fighting. After some time, Krishna also went there with some Maharathis to get back his brother.

There was an immense growth in Akrura’s family and Andhakas. So it led to fight. He fought with his relatives, defeated,took the gem and left Dwaraka city. The Dwaraka city was rainless because of the absence of the gem. So the city was affected. Then Andhakas and Kukuras requested him to enter into Dwaraka city. The rain was pouring down after the gem brought into the city.

Already there was a clash between this guy Akrura and Krishna. So he wanted to please Krishna and got her sister Sushila married to him. Krishna doubted his generosity and immense wealth. He found out the gem was in Akrura’s possession by Yoga. He asked the gem in front of all and not to show false honours. Moreover he told that he was troubling Krishna for 60 years and not to infuriate him further.


Akrura was highly shocked hearing words from Krishna and didn’t have guts to conceal further and gave it to Krishna. Krishna was happy and returned it to Akrura again. Thereafter Akrura didn’t need to hide this gem from others. He was shining like a sun after wearing the gem.

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