Why Krishna did not save Abhimanyu

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It is believed that Lord Krishna, who was present on the battlefield as a charioteer and advisor to Arjuna, could have intervened and saved Abhimanyu. However, he chose not to do so. There are various interpretations and explanations for this.

One perspective is that Lord Krishna, as the divine incarnation, had a larger cosmic plan and purpose to fulfill through the events of the Mahabharata war. He understood the intricate web of karma and the consequences of individuals' actions. The death of Abhimanyu served as a turning point in the war, intensifying the determination and resolve of the Pandavas to seek victory against their adversaries.

Another viewpoint is that Lord Krishna respected the laws of warfare and the concept of fair play. He did not directly interfere with the outcomes of individual battles, allowing the warriors to face the consequences of their own actions and decisions.

It is important to note that Lord Krishna provided guidance and support to the Pandavas throughout the war, offering them wisdom and strategic advice. He played a crucial role in shaping the course of events leading to the ultimate victory of righteousness over evil.

Ultimately, the actions and outcomes in the Mahabharata are complex and multifaceted, intertwined with various factors including karma, free will, and the unfolding of destiny. Lord Krishna's role in the epic was to uphold dharma (righteousness) and guide humanity towards spiritual enlightenment, while respecting the intricacies of human choices and the consequences that arise from them.

 Lord Krishna's role in the epic was to uphold dharma (righteousness) and guide humanity towards spiritual enlightenment, while respecting the intricacies of human choices and the consequences that arise from them

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