Extinguishing forest fire

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One summer’s day, Shri Krishna and the sakhas brought the cows to drink water at the Yamuna and then let them graze freely. The boys became so absorbed in their games that they were unaware of their cows wandering off. The cows made their way to the Munjavan where they got lost and couldn’t return. When the sakhas could not find the cows they also they also went to look for the cows in Munjavan without Krishna and Baldev. At this time, the servants of Kamsa set Munjavan on fire, which spread everywhere in a moment, and surrounded the cows and cowherd boys. Seeing no other way to save themselves they called out to Krishna, who arrived there in an instant. And telling the sakhas to close their eyes, Shri Krishna swallowed the colossal forest-fire immediately saving the cows and His sakhas. The place where Shri Krishna swallowed the forest fire is called Munjatavi or Isikatavi.

 The place where Shri Krishna swallowed the forest fire is called Munjatavi or Isikatavi

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