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Bubbas POV:

They asked me to take my mask off. Why? Should I take it off? I thought for a minute and I hesitate but reach for my mask. I look at them, still wondering why they want me to take my mask off. They stare at me, waiting for me to take it off. I put my hands on the edges of my mask and I was about to take it off when someone opens the door. We both look over that way and Drayton was standing in the doorway, staring at us.

I had quickly put my hands down away from my mask. "The hell are you two doing in here? You better not be taking off your mask, Leatherface." Drayton says as he walks in before walking towards me and hitting me upside the head. I whimper at that and look down, making a few noises.

"Hey! Don't hit him!" Y/N says as they stand up and step between me and Drayton. "What are you gonna do about it, you filthy piece of garbage?" Drayton scoffs. "I'll slap you!" Y/N says, raising their voice. I look up at them. "Why are you protecting that idiot anyway?" Drayton says, trying to grab them and move them out of the way. Y/N grabs his wrists before bringing their foot up and kicks him right in the nuts. He lets go of them and stumbles back, holding his crotch.

"You didn't think I'd actually harm you?" He looks at them as I stand up, standing behind them. I put my hands on their waist. Drayton looks from Y/N to me before leaving, going to his room. I sit back down before wrapping my arms around Y/N from behind and hugging them as I also pull them into my lap, nuzzling their neck. We stay like that, my face in their neck, my arms around their waist, and them in my lap for quite a while until I notice they've fallen asleep in my arms, their hands still on mine.

I then lay down on my my bed, which we were already sitting on. I was still holding Y/N close to me, their head against my chest now. It didn't take me long to fall asleep as well.

A few hours had passed when Nubbins opens the door and sees us cuddling together and he instantly leaves to tell Drayton. I had woken up from the sound of Nubbins opening the door but didn't bother stopping him because I didn't want to wake Y/N. They looked too peaceful and precious to disturb. Nubbins comes back a few minutes later with Drayton and of course he starts raising his voice, waking Y/N up.

I start mumbling which Drayton replies with a raised voice. Nubbins had left, he didn't bother getting involved in this drama. Y/N looks at Drayton and sighs. "Drayton, can you leave? I get you don't like me but Bubba does so maybe just ignore the fact I'm here instead of making a huge scene..." They say, their voice low.

Drayton scoffs and starts shouting again. I let go of Y/N and get up off the bed, walking over to Drayton before mumbling a bunch of things, which Drayton looks stunned for a moment before he hastily leaves. I get back in bed with Y/N and we cuddle again, falling back asleep.

I didn't take off my mask, and was hoping I wouldn't take it off for a long time, but at least we got to cuddle...

Word count: 601

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें