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Your POV:

It was now a few days later and me and Nubbins was talking, Bubba was in the basement and Drayton was cooking lunch. Me and him were friends now, I guess. Me and Nubbins got along well, Drayton still didn't like me.

There's a knock on the front door and Drayton goes and answers it, telling Nubbins to hide me. At the door there were two police officers. Drayton starts talking to them, though I couldn't hear the conversation I assumed it was about me and my friends. Were they only just now looking for me and my friends? My friends are already dead and if they find me here they'll take me to my family and arrest Drayton, Nubbins and Bubba.

Drayton let's them inside. Oh no.

Nubbins grabs me and takes me down to the basement and tells Bubba what's going on. The two police officers were searching the house. As long as they don't find me or come in the basement, everything should be fine.


They search the house, looking everywhere. They try to open the basement door. It's locked. They ask Drayton about it and he says he's never been able to get it open, that it's always been locked. They believe him and search upstairs, not finding anything of course.

Bubba was holding my close to him in the corner while Nubbins paced back and forth in the middle of the room, worried. He didn't want to go to jail and he didn't want me to get taken away. Neither did Bubba. Nubbins, in his state of panic and worry, accidentally knocks something over, causing a loud noise to be made. It was loud enough that Drayton and the police officers heard it from upstairs.

The police officers get suspicious and ask Drayton. "Are you sure it's always been locked and there's no one down there?" One of them asks Drayton. "Why would someone be down there? My brothers are out at the store and we've never been able to open that door. Why would I lie to you?" He says, sounding surprisingly convincing. "It's probably just a mouse or some kind of animal that somehow got down there." Drayton adds.

"Even if you are telling the truth we have to check down there anyways." The other one says. Drayton gets a little defensive. "But we have no key to unlock it so there's no way you could get down there. And plus, why would I lie to you? I would never lie or hide something from the police. You really don't need to try and go down there, there's no way you could anyway." He says, sweating. He really didn't want them to go down there. "We are very capable of breaking down the door, sir." One of them says to Drayton.

Drayton blocks the door and one of the officers pushes him and gets downstairs to the basement door. Bubba grabs Nubbins and puts him in the corner with me and grabs his chainsaw. As the door is broke down and the two officers come downstairs with their guns out, Bubba start up his chainsaw and move towards the stairs and swings his chainsaw at them.

One of them tries to shoot but his hand gets cut off, making his gun fall to the ground along with his hand. Bubba continues to swing his chainsaw, cutting both of them up. The other officer had dropped his gun in fear and tried to go up the stairs but fell and slid down the stairs and at Bubbas feet. Bubba impales the first officer with his chainsaw, so not only was his hand cut off he was also impaled.

Bubba brings his chainsaw up, cutting through him, before pulling his chainsaw out of him and uses it to cut the other officers head off, which he had tried crawling away. I had closed my eyes, not wanting to watch him kill those two officers. Nubbins had his arms around me, trying to make sure no blood got on me. After Bubba moved the body's, he cleaned the blood up and Nubbins took me upstairs to Bubbas room.

Once there, I sit on his bed and Nubbins leaves, going to find Drayton or check on Bubba I assume. I sit on the bed and think about what just happened. Now there is most likely gonna be more police officers coming here. We'll end up having to go somewhere else and they'll have to hide me better. Why did it have to be me that Bubba likes? Well I guess a cannibal falling in love with you is better than being killed and eaten.

Word Count: 783

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now