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Bubbas POV:

Drayton was trying to make us get in the truck and go back to our old home. He said that there was some stuff he forgot and needed and he didn't want to leave us here on our own. He said he couldn't trust us, which is understandable because of me and Y/N.

We're currently in the truck, Y/N asleep in my lap. It was early in the morning and me, Y/N, and Nubbins did not want to get up. I couldn't sleep as the bed of the truck was very uncomfortable. At least Y/N was comfy laying on me. It looked liked Nubbins was falling asleep in the passenger seat. How does Drayton wake up so early and not take a nap throughout the day?

It was a somewhat long drive there and Y/N and Nubbins slept the whole time. I managed to get a few minutes of sleep though not long. Once we get there we wake Y/N and Nubbins up and go inside. Drayton goes to get whatever he needed and me, Y/N, and Nubbins go to the basement to see if there's anything of use we left down there. Down there I found an old sledge hammer.

We were talking for a little until I hear footsteps and talking and leave the other two down there, still holding my sledgehammer. I go upstairs and see a man. He looks up at me and I hit him in the head with the hammer, not killing him on impact but doing enough damage that it almost kills him. I then pick up his body and carry him downstairs. That's when Drayton comes down to see what happened. Y/N was staring at me and Nubbins was unfazed.

I set the man down on the old table that we hadn't taken with us. Drayton looks at him, then at the other two, then at me. "What did you do, Bubba?!" He asks, walking over and putting his hands on his hips while looking up at me. I make my noises, which him and Nubbins had learned what most noises meant so he perfectly understood me.

"Goddamn.... If there's one person coming in here and getting killed that means there'll be more.... You know what to do when they come Bubba." Drayton says and I nod, grabbing the chainsaw I brought with me just in case. Drayton steps to the side next to Nubbins and it's now just time to wait for the others to come in and meet their demise. A few minutes later there's noise upstairs and I go up.

There was a girl looking around. She's goes in the room with feathers and the chicken that we left and was now dead. She sees me and screams before trying to run. I chase her through the house and grab her as she steps outside the door. I pull her back inside and close the door. I bring her downstairs and put her up on the old meat hook hanging on the wall.

She screams and Y/N covers their ears as the girl screams and struggles. Nubbins looks from the man on the table to the girl on the hook, recognizing them. "I know these people! They're the people that kicked me out of their van when I cut their friend's arm open!" He exclaims.

Pam was still whimpering and crying out but not as loud now as she listens to us. Y/N was in the corner of the room, hands over their ears and eyes wide. I guess it would take a while for them to get used to our ways and the screams. I don't blame them for covering their ears, Pam is quite loud . . . and annoying. Drayton grabs an old knife that was left on the ground before stabbing it into the unconscious man's chest.

"We can't stay here long. We need to hurry and find their friends and get back home." Drayton grumbles, looking from the body on the table to Pam on the hook to each of us.

Authors note: Sorry for not posting a new chapter in so long! Also, sorry for this one being quite short. I made the volleyball team and have practice every day of the week that we don't have a game and it's very stressful and I haven't had much time to work on this!

Word Count: 742

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now