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Nubbins' POV:

After taking Y/N back upstairs to Bubbas room, I go down to the basement to see what Bubba is doing. He was skinning the body's, cutting them up as well. I knew we'd have to move, go somewhere that we wouldn't be found.

I go back downstairs to the basement. "Hey, Bubba, Y/N is upstairs in your room." I say as I approach him. He makes a few noises. "Yeah, you're right. We well have to find somewhere else to live where the policemen wont find us." I say as I sit down next to him, watching him skin and cut the body's.

We sat in silence for a while until the door opens and Drayton comes downstairs. "You two need to get your shit and Y/N ready. I found a place for us to stay where the police won't find us." He says.

"I'll get Y/N!" I say as I stand up and rush upstairs to Bubbas room, Bubba following me. I open the door and look at Y/N, who was asleep on Bubbas bed. Bubba walks past me and picks Y/N up, not waking them up. He grabs some other things and shoved them in a bag and goes downstairs where Drayton was waiting.

I go to my room and quickly grab a bunch of my stuff and put it in a bag before going downstairs with them. "Come on, idiots." Drayton says and we follow him outside to his truck. I get in the passenger seat, Bubba gets in the truck bed with Y/N still asleep in his arms, and Drayton gets in the driver seat and starts the truck before driving far away from there.

I end up falling asleep, so does Bubba who was still holding Y/N, who was still asleep. It was quite the long drive.

Even though it was a long drive, it felt short. Probably because I was asleep for most of it. Bubba and Y/N were awake, I knew because heard Y/N talking to Bubba. I look at Drayton. "Are we almost there, yet?" I ask, getting impatient. "Almost." He says.

I groan, turning my head away and trying to fall back asleep. Part of me wondered what Y/N and Bubba were talking about but the other part of me didn't even care, I just wanted to sleep. I manage to fall back asleep...

Authors Note: Another short chapter. I didn't have many ideas for this chapter and I wrote this in class and didn't have much time. The next chapter will be much longer, though.

Word Count: 441

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now