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Your POV:

We continued kissing, ignoring the knocks at the door. His hands were on my hips, he was sitting up and I was sitting in his lap. We passionately made out until the knocks on the door get more aggressive and I pull away, looking into his eyes. "Should I answer it?" I ask Bubba and he shakes his head and kisses me again.

I pull away. "We can't stay here like this forever, Bubba. We have to answer it eventually." I say, putting one of my fingers over his lips and climbing off his lap, removing my finger from his lips. I sit next to him and he gently grabs my chin and try's to kiss me again. "Bubba. Put your mask back on and answer the door." I say, putting my finger of his lips again so he can't kiss me. He whispers before grabbing his mask and putting it back on and getting up. I stayed on the bed as he answers the door.

"It's about time you open the damn door, Bubba." Drayton says. "You two haven't been up to anything, have you?" Me and Bubba both shake our heads no. "I see anything goin' on between you two you'll both be beaten, got it?" We nod. "Good." Drayton says as he leaves. "I hate him, I really do. He's so fucking annoying. Why can't he just leave us alone?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

Bubba grunts and takes his mask back off, setting it down and sitting next to me. We look at each other. "Why does he hate me? I didn't do anything to him. I mean, I actually have a reason to hate Drayton." I say as I lean on Bubba, putting my head on his shoulder. He mumbles and makes a few noises. "I forgot I couldn't understand your little noises..." I say quietly as I lay back, staring up at his ceiling. He lays next to me.

"Do you think he'd change or ever like me?" I ask as I look at Bubba which he just shrugs. "Maybe he won't... but that won't stop me from wanting to be with you..." I say with a small smile as I kiss him softly on the lips.

Word Count: 402

This chapter is kinda short so I'm sorry about that. I lost motivation to write and can't think of anything else.

~Captured~ Bubba Sawyer x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora