~Return PART 2~

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Bubbas POV:

We were sitting in the basement for a while when we hear more noise upstairs. I go upstairs and see a man. He was calling out for his friends, the ones we had downstairs. I walk over, being quiet so he doesn't hear me, and bash his head in with my sledge hammer. He falls to the ground and I pick his body up and bring it downstairs.

I set the body down next to the table and walk back over to Y/N. It was a gross sight, the body on the ground, since his head had been bashed in. I knew Y/N wouldn't like that most likely. I noticed they weren't looking in that direction, probably for the best. I sit down on the floor and Y/N sits next to me. We stay down there for hours and at this point it's dark out.

"Bubba, why don't you go out and find the rest of them. Nubbins, you said there were two others, right?" Drayton says, looking at me as I stand up and pick my chainsaw up. Nubbins nods his head to Drayton's question. "Go get 'em, Bubba," Drayton says, a small smile on his ugly face.

I leave the basement and go outside.

Y/N's POV:

After Bubba leaves, I look over at Nubbins, who was standing not too far from me. "How long do you think he'll take?" I ask, my voice low and a bit shaky. "No clue. But depending on how fast they run probably a while," he says as he sits down on the ground.

I sigh and lean my head back. I look over at Pam's body, still on the hook. I felt kinda bad but they had to kill them. They're cannibals, how else would they survive? If they had no one to kill they'd starve to death. I wondered if Drayton would've killed me if he could. Most likely, he doesn't like me at all but honestly I don't like him either. He's ugly and annoying and constantly trying to keep me and Bubba apart.

I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep, then I hear Drayton's obnoxiously loud voice. "Might wanna stay awake, Y/N. Who knows, it might not take him that long," he says and I open my eyes, glaring at him. "I don't care. At least I'll get some sleep. You woke me up too early this morning," I state simply, closing my eyes again.

"You slept on the way here, how are you tired still?" He asks, kneeling down in front of me. "I just am, okay? Now leave me alone," I grumble, turning away from him and tilting my head down. He rolls his eyes and stand back up, walking across the room.

About 20 minutes later I'm awoken to a loud crash and footsteps. I look around and see Drayton rushing upstairs. I knew Bubba was probably back and he was most likely chasing someone through the house. I don't bother getting up, not wanting to watch someone get murdered. Nubbins didn't seem to care at all and stayed sat on the ground as well.

A few minutes later, Drayton comes downstairs again. "Hey, idiots, come on! Bubba got 'em. Nubbins, help me with the bodies. Y/N, go to the truck," he says and I get up, walking quickly upstairs. I see Bubba holding a girl's body, the smell of blood hitting me instantly and making me gag.

"I'm going to the truck..." I say to Bubba as I pass, covering my nose as I go outside, climbing onto the bed of the truck and waiting. A few minutes later, Nubbins comes out, dragging Pam's body.

"You're gonna sit in the passenger seat, me and Bubba will sit in the back with the bodies," he says and I nod, climbing down and getting in the passenger seat, closing the door and buckling up. They throw all the bodies in the back, and it takes a few extra minutes for Bubba to get the body of the guy he left in the woods when he chased the blonde one.

Drayton gets in and starts the truck and we start driving home. Once there, they take the bodies down. I was the first down there and I was in Bubba's room, sitting on his bed while I waited, also hoping he would wash his hands before he came in here.

A few minutes later, I had started dozing off when the door opens and Bubba comes in. He climbs into bed next to me and wraps his arms around me. His hands were slightly wet, I assumed because he washed his hands and didn't dry them off. My back was pressed against his chest and I could feel his warm breath against my neck.

He makes a few noises, though I barely heard them or understood them. I close my eyes and quickly fall asleep in his arms.

Author's Note: I say this every chapter but I'm sorry this chapter took so long. I haven't had any ideas and I kinda forgot about this story since I'm writing other stories (not published) and I don't really know where to go with this. I don't want to write smut since Y/N doesn't have a gender. Please give me ideas!

Word Count: 893

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