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After we got back to my car from the hospital, we sat in his truck talking for a good few hours about everything from our favorite bands to our favorite movies.

He had the same taste in music as I did, we both loved heavy metal so that was already a plus side with me. We even talked about going to see a show together one day.

As I sat there I caught myself making future plans with this guy, we wasn't even dating yet.

After a while I started feeling sleepy so I said my goodbyes and drove home, not long after getting home i was completely exhausted so I laid down and fell asleep pretty fast.

After some time I started going around Cody more often, we hung out when I had free time away from the girls.

Things was easy with him, I didn't feel awkward around him so I slowly warmed up to the thought of giving him a chance and we started dating.

Life seemed content for the time being, it was the calmness I needed in my life at that time.

I still would wake up to nightmares, but he would calm me back to sleep. It was nice to have him around, before Cody when I woke up from nightmares I would stay awake and lose sleep.

Over time things went well we had our arguments but they was never really big enough to break up over.

He went out of town for work, while he was gone I decided to go see him one weekend. While I was there one night while he was working he checked his social media on break and he seen stuff being said about on Josh's page that was still up.

One person wrote "it should of been his whore girlfriend dead in the street" while other laughed and went along with it.

Cody sent me a screenshot of it and asked "have you seen this?"

I sat up in my bed and my stomach dropped seeing all the hateful comments about myself when I was nothing but nice to all of them.

Some was my friends that turned on me, some was Josh's family. I could feel rage boiling in my chest the more I read, I replied back to Cody and asked "why are they even bringing this up now?"

Seeing others wish death on me Cody was just as mad as I was. These people is what makes small towns have bad reputations. Gossip and cause drama is all some people live for.

Somethings will never change, but now I'm happy I have someone to help me through this. I was now being harassed every time I drove down the road or went to store in our town.

It's a hard thing to lose someone you love and now I have people wishing death on me, as if I was the one that was driving the car that hit him. That wasn't the case though, I seen him get hit and watched him take his last breath.

I wasn't allowed to grieve just as they was or do anything with my life, in their eyes I was the one that did it.

I ended up pressing charges on one for the harassment, I wanted to go about this in a more civil manner.

Some people can go to jail and never learn their lesson because the harassment never stopped, it got worse.

There would be times I pulled out of my neighborhood and I would look in my mirror only to see the person in the car behind me waving me to pull over.

I recognized the vehicle and knew exactly who it was, by this point I was fed up with it. I pulled over and they passed me never stopping, these events happened more than I ever wanted it to.

One day I went to the store and didn't see no cars I recognized to avoid the drama.  As I pulled in I didn't think nothing of it and walked in like normal, getting my energy drinks I looked over and seen the one person that I was avoiding.

I rolled my eyes grabbed my stuff and went to pay for it, when I looked back at her standing behind me she looked tired, miserable and unhappy with life.

She started saying stuff behind me when I paid I heard her mumbling that I was scared of her, I turned around and looked her right in the eyes and said "I'm right here" that's when I turned to leave, anger took over me after dealing with all the harassment.

I pulled up to the road to wait on vehicles to pass and I noticed she was behind me, my hands was shaking from the anger rushing through me, when I felt her hit the back of my vehicle with her vehicle.

I got out the truck and went to take a picture to prove my innocence, she came charging at me at that same time. I took a swing at her and she grabbed my hair latching on like a spider monkey or something.

I managed to grab the back of her hair and slung her to the ground, when she fell I got on top of her punching over and over. Thinking about all the things she put me through i started yelling "leave me the fuck alone!!"

After about 15 punches I stood up grabbing my phone and finding my sandal, I jumped in the truck and left as fast as I could.

Later on that night I found out she was in the hospital with a broken wrist, I'm assuming it was from the fall to the ground.

Either way she will leave me alone now...

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