𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻

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    Living with the Andrews had been a change for Luna, they had been exceptionally welcoming to her and her brother. She had been given the spare bedroom and Jughead roomed with Archie, everyone fitting in perfectly. Old habits didn't die and Luna made sure the place was spotless, surprising Fred when he saw the girl cleaning the kitchen. He had reminded her that she didn't need to do such a thing. Shrugging it off, she told him she didn't mind, she found cleaning to be therapeutic.

     However, the one downside to living in a house full of boys, was the video games. Archie and Jughead stayed up late and she could hear them from where she was across the hallway, bickering over who was going to win. Having enough of their noise, she entered Archie's room and dropped down onto his bed, her homework perched beside her. The boy's greeted her and she got to work with her work, finding it to be much better hearing their bickering up close rather than through the walls. Up close she could tune them out but from a far it interrupted her and made her lose focus.

     It was a weird predicament but she didn't mind, she was thankful not to be alone, even though she felt like she was going to throw up from the smell in here. Two boys sharing a room, that was practically hell. 

     Somehow, she was thankful she wasn't living at that trailer any longer, no longer forced to tiptoe around her father.


       Attending a baby shower was the most confusing part of Luna's day, she didn't understand what she was meant to wear to such a thing. A part of her wanted to say no and claim to be busy but Betty was so happy to invite her. Knowing she would be there slightly turned her head towards saying no but she thought about what Kevin had said to her, she needed to ignore her, alike she had done to her. 

     Despite working together for the English project, she had barely seen the redhead girl all week, except when they met once at Pop's. Cheryl gave her a run down on her parts of the project and stated they had no reason to be together, they could work separately. It was stupid in Luna's opinion but she was willing it do it if it meant not speaking to the girl. Surprisingly, during their encounter, Cheryl kept the insults to a minimum and she was almost fooled to believe that they had returned to how it was.


      "What do you even wear to a baby shower?" Luna asked as she dropped onto Veronica's bed. 

     It was being hosted by the Lodge family, the same people who had accepted Polly living them to keep her safe. Veronica said that Luna should come to hers and she'd help her pick out an outfit. Hence, why she was now pacing her room and declining all options Veronica had thrown at her. 

     "Anything, there's not a dress code other than, look nice." Veronica shrugged, dropping yet another outfit choice when Luna shook her head.

      "Baby showers are stupid." Luna announced as Veronica laughed quietly, used to the girls complaint. "You just buy the mother a load of gifts and then it becomes a competition to who can outshine the next."

𝗠𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ∙ 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗹 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗺Where stories live. Discover now