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Back to Y/N

"Gah..~that felt amazing.." Y/N had finished taking a bath, feeling fresh and relaxed she made her way out of the bathroom.Making her way to her wardrobe, picking out a white night gown..Hmm should i wear this or..Her eyes landed on her pink silk satin pajama set.

Shrugging to herself she closed her wardrobe as she went to change into her white night gown.

Tonight..i can finally do what i want and not worry about anyone else but me.

Giggling to herself,Laying sideways on the couch,facing the tv she began to look for a movie to watch on Netflix.

Hmm this seems interesting.. Conjuring eh?..Lets see if this movie really is sCaRY..~
Smiling proudly to herself she shook her head before clicking on the movie.Heh lets see if this movie can make me scream,Putting the remote down on the table she began to watch the Conjuring Movie.

At Bonten HQ

"So.. you killed the leader?"

"Apologies Mikey..He was getting on our nerves so i had my brother kill him on the spot"Ran said calmly, leaning his back onto the couch he then sighed to himself.

"Hm..i see." Ruffling his hair a bit he looked at the documents infront of him. His void like orbs focused on every word on the document, understanding every bit of it.

After some time

"Hah..this shit is boring" Sanzu groaned out as he threw his head back. "Imma head out.." Standing up from the couch,he fixed his suit getting rid of the wrinkles.

Turning his heels,he started walking towards the front door of the HQ before coming into a halt as Rindou started speaking. "Where are you going?" Tilting his head to the side he remained stoic as he asked.

"Brothel" Smirking to himself as he spoke,Sanzu finally made his way out of the HQ. Its dark..i wonder if you're asleep..He stood infront of the HQ for a few seconds before he finally started walking towards his car. Maybe i should check up on you..♡

It was currently 2am in the morning,the lights were on.Flinching at the sudden jumpscare in the movie you covered your face with your hands not wanting to the see more. Is it gone..?

You slowly raised your head, taking a peek.Phew..its go- AH! Y/N let out a squeal,her e/c orbs dilating as she immediately hugged her knees.


Someones pov:

Someones pov:

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Hm..the lights are on ,usually at this time..you would be sleeping..

He stood in a dim spot,not to far and not to close to your apartment.He was curious, Curious on why your lights were still on and Why were you still awake.

He could've thought of other reasons why you had your light on at this hour right?Well its Sanzu..he knows very well if you're awake or not.

After staying for a couple of minutes, watching if you'd finally turn off the lights, he knew he couldn't stay much longer or his subordinates would be suspicious of him.

Turning his heels,as he was about to walk away, it was then..He heard a scream..Angel..! His body tensed as he quickly turned his head to look for where the scream is coming from.

His pupils dilate,his heart racing.It was coming from your apartment. Without hesitation he quickly sprinted to your front door as his mind was filled with the possibilities of someone breaking into your apartment.

Just wait until i get my hands on you..I will skin you alive you fucker.

He cursed under his breath,as he reached your front door. *knock knock* His right arm behind him,ready to pull out his gun and shoot.

To his surprise the door opened slowly, gripping onto his gun..Thats right open the do-..

His eyes widened,his jaw dropped slightly.
There she was..His angel.."Um..yes?"She tilted her head to the side, looking at the man infront of her.

Shaking his head, he averted his gaze from her as he scratched the back of his head before speaking."I heard a scream coming from your apartment..is everything ok?"

Her Jinx[ Bonten x Fem Reader ] Where stories live. Discover now