5- Yukigaoka Junior High vs Kitagawa Daiichi (Part 1)

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Sora's POV

It was finally the day Shoyo and Tobio met for the first time, and I'm excited about how they will interact.

From what I've remembered, Shoyo and Tobio's first interaction was not the best. But, with my interference with Shoyo's life, will he be able to talk with Tobio better?

Dressed in our volleyball uniforms, we have now entered the volleyball gymnasium.

Looking at my teammates, I saw them being nervous. I then looked at Shoyo, who looked a little nervous.

To ease their worries, I approached my teammates with a reassuring smile, "Hey, everyone, I know there are jitters, but remember, we've worked incredibly hard for this moment. We know our abilities, and we trust each other. Let's go out there and play our best game, supporting one another every step of the way."

The encouraging words uplift the spirits of my teammates and Shoyo alike. As we took to the court, I saw Shoyo's nervousness subsiding, replaced by a newfound sense of determination.

"Sora-San, thank you for teaching us how to play Volleyball even though we're not always present in practices," Izumi said softly.

"I agree with what Izumi-San said. You helped us," Koji said.

I smiled at them and said, "I want to thank you both for attending practices."

I and my team have been training hard for the past three months, and this Yukigoaka Team is more prepared than the team from the anime or manga.

But is it enough to beat a powerhouse school like Kitagawa Daiichi?


The door slammed open, and in walked the Kitagawa Daiichi Team. They were tall and looked intimidating. And there, among them, I spotted Kageyama Tobio, who had an imposing look.

I suddenly remembered Shoyo getting intimidated by them in the manga or anime, so I again turned my attention to Shoyo. Instead of being intimidated, he has a look of astonishment.

I'm unsure why he looks astonished, but I will ask him later.

As the Kitagawa Daiichi team walked past us, I swear I saw Kageyama wearing a cape and crown.

"Wait, did anyone else see that?" I muttered, rubbing my eyes. It turned out to be an illusion, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Wasn't Shoyo the one with the vivid imagination? How come I'm starting to imagine things?"

Seeing Kitagawa Daiichi heading to the Volleyball court, I realized we were still near the entrance.

I gave Shoyo a thumbs up, signalling him to remind the team that it was time for warm-ups.

*clap* *clap*

Shoyo then clapped his hands, garnering the attention of the team.

"Okay, everyone! It's time for warm-ups! Let's go!" Shoyo said.


After the warm-ups, team huddles, and introductions, it was finally time for the coin toss.

The coin toss is critical as it determines which team will serve first in the match.

The referee stepped forward and tossed the coin into the air. We watched intently as the coin twirled and landed on heads, indicating that Kitagawa Daiichi would serve first.

As the coin landed, I could feel the tension in the air. We would have to receive their service first, and the pressure was on. But I knew that we were ready, and we had worked hard to face any challenge that came our way.

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