31- The Greatest Detective In The World

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"Breaking News! Scientists have detected another massive energy surge emanating from the Bayside Arena in Miyagi," the news reporter announced, capturing my full attention. "Due to this unprecedented event, the local government has extended the suspension of classes from two weeks to three."

I sat there, watching the news unfold, a mix of confusion and concern swirling within me.

My gaze shifted to the other sofa, where I saw Sora lying face down, silent and motionless since the incident. His unusual behavior was deeply troubling.

Meanwhile, Natsu had retreated to her room for some rest, leaving me and Sora in a quiet, tense atmosphere.

Feeling a growing sense of worry for my brother, I stood up and approached Sora. "Aniki, do you want to talk about it?" I ventured, hoping to break his silence.

There was no response, and my worry deepened. What if he was in pain, or worse?

Driven by a sudden fear, I checked on him, relieved to find he was still breathing. At least my worst fears were unfounded, but the question remained: why was Sora so unresponsive?

Just then, my stomach growled, reminding me of the more immediate concern of dinner. With Sora in no state to help, I decided it was up to me to prepare our meal. It was 6:22 pm, after all, dinner time.


As I made my way to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. Curious and cautious, I peered through the door's peephole and saw a man in an unusual ensemble: a brown inverness cape, a dark grey blazer, white button-up shirt, striped tie, three-quarter length pants, long white socks, and simple black shoes. His attire was odd, to say the least.

Opening the door, I greeted the stranger. "Um, hello, how can I help you?"

With a grin, the man introduced himself.

His claim, along with his appearance, raised my eyebrows in skepticism. However, noticing my doubt, he quickly presented his ID. "I'm a detective from the Armed Detective Agency."

So, he was a legitimate detective, but why would a detective come looking for us?

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I'm here for Sora Hinata," Ranpo stated, his tone serious yet friendly.

Alarm bells rang in my head. Was the Armed Detective Agency here because they suspected Sora in relation to the energy surge?

"Shoyo, who is this?"


The pain enveloping me was almost unbearable. Migraines throbbed behind my eyes, and every muscle in my body ached as if I had run a marathon with no prior training.

This agony began after the incident involving the ball surrounded by a red energy aura. Since then, both my body and mind have been in by pain so intense it nearly immobilized me.

Despite the discomfort, I've always been good at hiding my true feelings. As we walked home, I made sure to keep my expressions neutral, not wanting Shoyo and Natsu to glimpse the suffering etched deep within me.

Choosing to lie flat on the couch seemed like the best option, a way to perhaps alleviate the torment without alarming my family.

I hoped against hope that the pain would eventually subside on its own.

"Aniki, do you want to talk about it?"

Shoyo's voice reached me, filled with concern as he touched my back. Panic flickered through me at the thought of him discovering my pain. To avoid worrying him further, I opted to remain silent, pretending to be asleep.

"Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon