32- Beach

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It had been a week since Ranpo's visit to the Hinata household, and the effects were still visible.

"Uggghhhhh!" Sora groaned, laying face-down on the couch.

The headaches that had begun that day persisted, though they had lessened in intensity over the week. Shoyo, sipping a cup of water, watched his brother with a mixture of concern and resignation. Initially, he had been deeply worried about Sora's condition, but as the days passed without improvement, he had somewhat reluctantly grown accustomed to it.

Yet, seeing Sora in such discomfort day after day was becoming unbearable for Shoyo. He felt compelled to do something, anything, to lift his brother's spirits. Sora had always been there for him, and now it was Shoyo's turn to reciprocate.

An idea suddenly sparked in Shoyo's mind; a day at the beach might be the perfect diversion.

"Aniki, I'll be in our room!" he called out, receiving a weak thumbs up from Sora in response.

Shoyo hurried upstairs to their bedroom. He bent down by his bed and pulled out a hidden box. Inside, there was a substantial amount of yen—3,948,276 to be exact. This was the money he had saved over the last five years from allowances given by Sora and their mother.

"Okay, now that I have the money here, I should plan for the beach tomorrow," he decided, excitement tingling at the prospect of a fun outing.

He started listing what they would need: entrance fee at Matsushima Bay, three beach chairs, two umbrellas, a cooler, three beach towels, three blankets, and sunscreen.

"But bringing all this alone would be impossible," Shoyo muttered, realizing the logistical challenge.

He would need to figure out a way to manage or perhaps ask for help to ensure everything went smoothly.

Shoyo rummaged in his pocket and pulled out his phone, quickly scrolling to find Kageyama's contact.

He took a deep breath before dialing, the phone ringing for what seemed like an eternity before Tobio finally picked up.

"Why are you calling me, Boke?"

Tobio's voice came through, gruff and impatient as always.

Shoyo's smile wavered slightly but he maintained his composure.

"Hey, I need help..."


The next day unfolded under the clear skies of Matsushima Bay, with Sora and Shoyo, enjoying a serene beach day.

Clad in their swimsuits, they lounged on a blanket under the shade of an umbrella, the gentle sound of waves mingling with the whisper of the wind creating a soothing backdrop.

Silence enveloped the trio, but it was the kind that comforted rather than concerned. Sora, donning a pair of sunglasses, reclined with his eyes closed.

Though the persistent headache lingered, he was determined not to let it mar the day, especially since Shoyo had gone to such lengths to organize this outing.

Unbeknownst to them, a surprise was making its way towards them across the sandy beach. Tobio, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi approached, laden with umbrellas, a cooler, and a grill, ready to enhance the beach day experience.

"Boke, we're here!" Tobio called out, his voice carrying over the sound of the surf.

Startled, the Hinata siblings, except for the resting Sora, turned to greet their friends.

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