17- Hellish Traning

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Hey everyone! Here's the new chapter! The vote goal is 30, so good luck and happy reading!


Monday had arrived, ushering in the much-awaited time for Club activities. Sora, engrossed in packing his belongings, remained oblivious to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi quietly approaching him.

"Sora-san," Yamaguchi greeted eagerly.

"Hey," Tsukishima chimed in, his tone betraying little interest.

Pausing in his task, Sora looked up, offering a warm smile. "Oh, hey! What's up?"

Excitement danced in Yamaguchi's eyes as he spoke. "I heard we're getting a new coach! He's apparently the grandson of the old coach according to what Daichi-san said."

Observing Sora's tennis shoes and bag, Tsukishima raised an eyebrow. "You're not attending volleyball practice today?"

Sora nodded, his smile undiminished. "Yeah, the volleyball club isn't the only one with a new coach; the Tennis Club has one too."

Yamaguchi interjected, concern furrowing his brows. "But we have a practice match tomorrow against Aoba Johsai."

"I understand, but tomorrow I also have a tennis practice match scheduled against a player from Aoba Johsai," Sora replied, his voice laced with determination despite the fatigue that seemed to settle in his bones.

Yamaguchi's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Two matches in one day? That's going to be incredibly tiring, Sora-san."

Tsukishima, usually reserved, let his concern show. "Do you think you'll have enough energy for both matches? We don't want you to overexert yourself."

Sora shot Tsukishima a playful smirk. "Oh my, is the usually apathetic Tsukki showing concern for me?" he teased.

Tsukishima's eye twitched in response, a subtle sign that Sora's remark had hit a mark, while Yamaguchi couldn't help but chuckle at the banter.

"Hahaha!" Sora laughed, lightening the mood. "I'm kidding. But anyway, I'll be fine. I'm used to doing this." His confidence shone through, reassuring his friends despite the challenges that lay ahead.

"If you say so," Yamaguchi replied, his tone laced with lingering concern, still unsure if Sora was truly underestimating the upcoming challenge or if he had genuine confidence in his abilities.

"By the way," Sora picked up his belongings. "Keep an eye on Shoyo for me and send regards to Ukai-san!"

"Who do you think we are? Babysitters?" Tsukishima remarked with his usual dry humor.

Sora grinned mischievously. "With that handsome face of yours, you'll be an excellent babysitter."

Tsukishima's cheeks flushed slightly at Sora's compliment, and he used his hand to cover his embarrassment.

Yamaguchi was taken aback, surprised to see Tsukishima reacting in such a way.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys!" Sora waved as he started walking away.

"See you too," Yamaguchi said, exchanging a puzzled glance with Tsukishima as they watched Sora leave the classroom, leaving behind a playful atmosphere and a hint of unexpected flirtation.

As Tsukishima continued to stare at the closed door through which Sora had exited, his thoughts swirled in confusion. 'Why does he always make me feel this way?' he wondered, the knot of emotions in his chest growing tighter.

Tsukishima had always been aware of his good looks, but he had never paid much attention to compliments or the attention he received. Other people's opinions of his appearance had never mattered to him.

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