6- Yukigaoka Junior High vs Kitagawa Daiichi (Part 2)

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Yukigoaka Vs Kitakawa Daiichi (Part 2)

3rd POV

The referee blew the whistle, signalling it was time for the second set.

Each volleyball club member in both schools returned to the court and positioned themselves.

On the Yukigoaka side of the court, it was now Sora's turn to serve.

Sora stands behind the line, dribbling the volleyball while waiting for the referee to start.

Shoyo, seeing it was Sora's turn to serve, grinned and exclaimed, "Go do the monster serve this set, Aniki!"

Sora smiled at Shoyo and said, "You can count on me, Shoyo."

In Shoyo's eyes, Sora looks self-assured with his serve. But in Sora's case, he was nervous.

'Crap! I did practice in my serves, but I'm still not confident with it.' Sora thought.

In the previous set, Sora did serve, but the serve was slow and readable.

Also, serving has always been his weakness in Sora's previous life since he either puts in too much power or it always lands on the net. But in his current life, he did improve...slightly.


The referee blew the whistle, and it was now time for Sora to serve.

The pressure was on as Sora took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He focused on the ball in his hands, feeling the weight of responsibility as he prepared himself for the serve. With a determined look, he shifted his feet slightly to find the proper stance.

On the other side of the court, the Kitakawa Daiichi players were on high alert, knowing that Sora's serve could be a game-changer. They watched him intently, trying to predict where the ball might go.

Sora bounced the volleyball a few times in his hands, trying to find the perfect grip. He reminded himself of all the hours he had spent practising serves, trying to improve his technique. He knew he had to give it his all if Yukigoaka wanted to gain an advantage in this set.

Feeling as ready as he could be, Sora's grip on the ball tightened. He took a moment to visualize the trajectory he wanted to achieve.

"Here goes nothing," Sora muttered to himself.

In an instant, he tossed the ball into the air and swung his arm with all the force he could muster. The ball soared through the air, leaving a trail of intensity behind it. Sora's heart pounded in his chest as he watched it fly.

But he had overdone it. The ball zipped through the air with incredible speed, almost like a bullet. As it approached the other side of the court, the Kitakawa Daiichi players were caught off guard. They weren't fast enough to react to the incredible speed of Sora's serve.

However, the power came at a cost. The ball went just a few inches over the back boundary line, landing outside the court. It was an exhilarating yet disappointing moment. Sora's eyes widened, realizing he had put too much strength into the serve.

Shoyo and the Yukigoaka team members groaned in frustration, realizing they had missed the opportunity.

They knew that if the ball had landed in bounds, it would have been nearly impossible for the opponents to return it.

Sora clenched his fists, trying to shake off the disappointment. "Too much power," he mumbled to himself, trying to learn from his mistake. He was still determined to improve his service but knew he had to find the right balance between power and control.

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