30- A Battle of Grand Slam Champions (2)

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Author's Note:

Hey, sorry for being inactive as I was busy with school.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!


"Game and 1st set, Hinata!" The umpire said.

The score was now 6-2 with Sora leading the way and Victor couldn't help but be frustrated.

'How does he hits so hard for a high schooler?! Not only that, he's damn smart as well!' Victor thought.

Initially, Victor hadn't taken Sora seriously, attributing his status as a high school athlete to an easy match-up.

However, Sora's dominance in the first set, achieved through a series of unreturnable serves, quickly altered Victor's perspective. Although the speed of Sora's serves seemed standard to Victor, it was Sora's ability to skillfully mask his serve directions that left Victor struggling to anticipate the next move.

Moreover, Sora's groundstrokes, both his forehand and backhand, were executed with such precision and speed that Victor found them almost impossible to counter. Not merely relying on raw power, Sora's strategic placement kept Victor on his toes, with shots consistently landing just within the sidelines.

Adding to Victor's challenges, Sora displayed a remarkable range of techniques, from slicing to executing drop shots, making his play style incredibly versatile and unpredictable.

'He's truly exceptional. No wonder my coach arranged this match,' Victor conceded internally as he prepared to continue.

Facing Sora, he admitted, felt more demanding than competing against the top 20 players in the world rankings.

Contemplating his next move, Victor pondered, 'Is now the time to unveil my secret weapon? Sora's skill is undeniable, but how will he handle an unexpected twist?'


As the umpire signaled the continuation of the match, both players returned to the court, ready to resume their match.


"Wow! Aniki won the first set!" I heard Natsu's voice, filled with excitement.

"Yeah," I responded, my voice barely hiding my mix of feelings.

Aniki had just triumphed over the world number four in tennis, a feat so astonishing it felt like a dream. His talent seemed boundless, illuminating the gap between us.

A tinge of jealousy crept into my heart. Aniki's genius cast a long shadow, under which my own abilities felt diminished. The thought of stepping into the world of tennis, where comparisons with him were inevitable, led me to stay away from the tennis club, despite my genuine interest in the sport.

Then came my moment of inspiration - the tiny giant, defying the odds in volleyball with his incredible spikes, despite his short stature. It was a revelation, a spark that ignited my desire to pursue volleyball, to carve out a niche where I could shine on my own terms.

But my heart sank when I discovered that Yukigaoka lacked a middle school volleyball club. Undeterred, I turned to Aniki for support. True to his nature, he didn't hesitate to help me scout for team members, embodying the very essence of brotherhood.

Yet, life had more surprises in store. Aniki, it turned out, was not only proficient in tennis but also had a knack for volleyball.

Watching him execute advanced techniques like jump serves with ease was both awe-inspiring and disheartening. I had hoped to find a sport where I could stand apart, yet here he was, excelling in my chosen sports as well.

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