29- A Battle of Grand Slam Champions (1)

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As the morning sun cast its golden rays through the window, Sora stirred awake, feeling the warmth of the day beginning to seep into his room.

With a lazy stretch, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned contentedly, relishing in the tranquility of the early hours.

With a sudden pang of hunger gnawing at his stomach, Sora threw back the covers and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

He shuffled downstairs, his bare feet padding softly against the wooden floorboards.

As he descended the staircase, a delightful aroma wafted through the air, causing Sora's senses to perk up with anticipation.

Following his nose, he made his way to the kitchen, where he found Shoyo standing over the stove, a focused expression on his face as he tended to a sizzling pan.

Sora's eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before him. It was a rare occurrence to find Shoyo cooking, let alone successfully preparing a meal without burning it.

He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and curiosity bubble up within him.

"Sho, what are you cooking?" Sora inquired, his voice tinged with both surprise and admiration.

Turning around with a bright smile, Shoyo greeted his older twin brother.

"Good morning, Aniki! I made some bacon and eggs, just like the ones you always cook," he replied cheerfully, gesturing towards the pan with a hint of pride.

Approaching the stove, Sora peered into the pan and was pleasantly surprised to find perfectly cooked bacon and eggs glistening before him. His eyes widened in disbelief, hardly able to comprehend the sight before him.

"Sho, this... this is amazing!" Sora exclaimed, his voice tinged with emotion as he fought back tears of joy.

Shoyo blinked in surprise at Sora's sudden display of emotion, unsure of how to react. "A-Aniki, are you okay?" he asked, concern etched into his features.

Unable to contain his overwhelming pride, Sora enveloped Shoyo in a tight hug, his heart swelling with affection.

"My little brother, I'm so proud of you!" he declared, his voice choked with emotion as he squeezed Shoyo tightly.


Their tender moment was abruptly interrupted by the jarring ringtone of Sora's phone, shattering the peaceful atmosphere like a stone skipping across still water.

Sora's brow furrowed in mild annoyance at the untimely interruption.

"I wonder who's calling at this hour," he mused aloud, his curiosity piqued as he reached for his buzzing phone.

Gently disengaging from the embrace, Sora made his way to the living room where his phone lay innocuously on the coffee table.

With a glance at the caller ID, he noted the name "Nicholas" flashing on the screen, prompting a quizzical raise of his eyebrow.

Curiosity piqued, Sora answered the call, his tone laced with a hint of intrigue.

"Coach Nicholas, why are you calling at this hour?" he inquired, wondering what could warrant a call during the suspension of classes.

Nicholas's voice came through the phone, brimming with enthusiasm. "Sora! I'm glad you picked up. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for you to get some tennis match practice in, considering the classes are suspended."

Sora's interest was immediately piqued.

"Oh? Practice match? Who's my opponent?" he asked, anticipation lacing his voice as he mentally prepared himself for the challenge ahead.

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