Chapter XIII - Death

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 I adjust my furry ears I bought at a pop-up store to fit my head. I stare at myself in the mirror. Wolf ears, white button-up, and black trousers. Should I add a belt?

I put on a brown belt.

It's October 31. Which means it's the school's Halloween party today. I'm not too excited. Well- Maybe I am. I'm still on Photographer duty though, but I'm more than happy to capture people's best memories in pictures.

I pause.

I loose a few buttons on my shirt.

I look over at my table to see a pair of fake fangs laying there, waiting to be used. The thing is, I don't know how to put them on. I pick them up and pull my mouth to see my teeth. I stick the fang up my tooth and wobble it in. Let's just pray I don't swallow this.

I head outside to be cat-called by who else than Molly Blossom in her red roofless Porsche. "Nice ass!"

I groan. "What now?"

"Am I not allowed to give you a lift?" She laughs as the silver tiara on her head nudges to the right. Molly was wearing a short pink silk gown drenched in what I think is fake blood.


"That's me." She eyes me up and down and lazily points her red nail at my chest. "Did you do that on purpose, Mr. Werewolf?"

I look down at my chest and scoff. "I still have clothes."



She cocks her head towards her car. "Get in."


"STOP, STOP, STOP–" I scream at the top of my lungs as Molly steps on the gas. I clutch the car's armrest the hardest I could so I wouldn't fly away. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!"

She grins ear to ear. She swerves and ignores the red light, manically laughing. Her hair flies in the harsh wind yet her tiara never drops.

I shut my eyes closed and squeeze the armrest even tighter. My throat hurts from screaming but Molly doesn't seem to care.

She harshly drifted at the curb and caught the attention of a cop. Great. The red and blue lights blare behind us.

My stomach drops and I scream even more. "MOLLY!!! MOLLY–" She drifts again and I could feel the cold wind whip my face. My voice was drained out by the noise of cars, sirens, laughter, and honks. "PUTANG INAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Molly, with both her hands glued to the wheel, smiles and furrows her brows with yet another wave of sirens. It seems like the adrenaline has caught up with her.

Just as we were about to take a swerve, she slammed the brakes hard.

My head swung forward as my body threw itself. My seatbelt painfully bruised my skin and probably left a mark. I groaned and felt my head. No blood. Thank God.

The sirens stopped blaring and pulled up beside us.

A white policewoman rolled down her window and raised a brow. "Races' over, Carrie. Happy Halloween. You're both going to juvie. Assuming you don't have a license."

Molly rolled her eyes, blowing her hair out of her pretty face.

I gasped as loud as I could. Just the thought of going to jail horrified me.

"Wait! Officer, I—"

" . . . Naomi?!?" Molly yelled. "Naomi Vegas?!?"

Confusion cast over me. I looked at the policewoman's passenger seat to see my school Prefect, Naomi Vegas.

He jumped from his seat. "You!"

"You're getting your ass arrested?!?" Molly also jumped from her seat.

He pointed at the policewoman. "This is my mom, dipshit."

My mouth opened into a large O, revealing my fake fangs. This day just keeps on surprising me.

Molly laughed. "You need your parents to drive you?"

Naomi turned into an embarrassed shade of red.

"Oh," His mother scoffed. "Are these your friends, Naomi?"

He sulked and melted into his seat. "Shut up, Mom."

"Mind fucking repeating that, Naomi Vegas?" She hissed.

" . . . " And he fell into silence.

She faced us again and scowled. "I'm only going to say this once, kid. I'm letting you go with a warning. Next time you drift like a wannabe racer and ignore the headlights, you'll get more than just a warning."

And she drove off.


"I am never going in your car again . . ." I run out of her car and bend over in front of a bush, ready to puke.

Molly parked outside the school and dangled her arm over the window. "Too bad."

I closed my eyes. My breath grew heavier as my head spun. Oh no.

"Ew!!!" Molly yelled. "You threw up all over the grass!"

I groaned and wiped my mouth. "Would you rather have me throw up in your car?"

"Now you're gonna reek of vomit."

I felt a splurt of nausea hit my head. "Ugh . . ." And I puked again.

I saw chunks of my last meal all wet and slimy on the ground. And it smelt awful.

"Molly—" I started walking back to her car.

"Nope," She started backing up her car.

I sighed and just stopped. "At least give me a mint?"

She scrambled the insides of her purse and threw me a tin of mints. "Take it, you animal."

It landed on the floor and I just stood there. I sighed and picked it up. "Sometimes, I really wonder why I chose you as my friend."

She smiled. "I love you too."

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