Chapter XLVII - "Have some faith!"

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 Wind blew in our faces as Molly drove way past our curfew. Was sneaking out into a speakeasy on a Wednesday school night my ideal plan? Definitely not. But was I going to turn down the offer? Normally, yes. Did I? No.

"Hey, Molly!" I had to yell for her to hear me past the streets. But you had to give it to her, she wasn't all bad at driving. "Are we even allowed to a speakeasy???"

"Fuck no!"

I heard Ollie laugh beside me. And not in one of his dainty, soft laughs. Head was tilted up, he was in a toothy, genuine laugh. Loud and real. I couldn't help but hold the lovely sight of him. "Of course, we aren't allowed in a speakeasy, Stephan!"

He stole all the words from my mouth. " . . . Right."

"No shit." I almost forgot Innes was our passenger princess for today.

Having the group together like this . . . I missed it. My gut was struck with that familiar feeling of nostalgia. I didn't know why but something told me I would miss this.

You know what? I'm glad I bailed from home.

Innes continued. "The twins have this perfect plan of faking being adults. Very smart."


Molly boasted as she swerved at a curb. "Oh, you poor little thing. Let me handle it!"

That was not closure. "How?!?"

"Have some faith in me!"

She parked the car under a streetlamp and beside a rather . . . creepy alley. I wouldn't be surprised if a giant spider came crawling out of there.

"Thank you," Ollie held my hand while I helped him out of the car. To my surprise, he stood near to my chest, leaning in. "I've missed you." I felt his lips near my ear as he whispered.

"You look handsome tonight." I whispered back.

Our sly exchange glinted a flirty, playful spark as he traced the shadow of my face before following Molly away.

Oh, that boy knows how to drive me crazy.

I caught up to them just as Innes started having her own doubts.

"Are you sure we're gonna get in?"

Molly scoffs. "Faith, Innes. Have some of that for a friend."

"Where did you even find this . . . party?"

"My parents go to them most of the time." She looked back as if I too were part of her chatter. "Wouldn't hurt seeing the fuzz for yourself, would it? Besides! What could go wrong?"

"Molly, please don't say that."

I would love to have faith in her but the more she led us deeper into the dark alley, the more I lost it. "I guess . . . "

We stopped at a small, rusty door. It wasn't special at all. Before I could protest, Molly opened it and went right in. We all silently trailed behind like ducks.

It was a small room lit only by a single light. A fly buzzed past me and I noticed a man sitting inside.

"Hello, sir." Molly walked up to him and smiled. Oh, I know now. She's going to use her handy-dandy charm on him. "Have you been sleeping well?"

He looked up at her with tired eyes. Yet they widened when he saw her. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here so late?"

You can't tell me she just wooed a fifty-year-old man with hardly a sentence.

"This is horrendous, I can't even watch." Ollie whispered.

"Aww, you flatter me, sir." She shyly tucks her hair, though I'm sure it's an act.

"Is that so? I'd love to let you stay but I've got business to do."

Then suddenly, she switches her tone from coy to . . . cocky.

She said something yet it just slipped my mind.

The mystic way she said it . . . her words rang through the room, lingering through the walls. We all knew what she meant. It was the code.

The man understood immediately. But the question stayed: "Aren't you a bit too young?"

"We are of age, sir."

"I'm sorry but—"

"It's my birthday today." She pouted as her long lashes batted. "Just turned eighteen. Please don't spoil it, sir."

Innes cringed, groaning into her palm. "This bitch."

The tension froze us all. He stayed put until, "Alright, alright." He stood up and opened a hatch beneath his chair. Jazz music spilled out the hole as we watched in awe. "Drink responsibly, kids."

"No doubt about that." Molly stole a glance at us and winked. Told you to have trust in me.

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