Chapter LIV - "Hill Of Leaves."

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'Bzzz . . . bzzz . . . '

It was static. Then his voice.

'Hello, hello!'

It was Ollie.

The recording was muffled and choppy, but I could understand. Since when was my recorder faulty? Then there was another voice. Me.


'Don't look at me like that, baby.'


'I know it's not that good yet."

'Try again, then. But with more—'

I smiled as his yell broke the sound barrier.




I hit the fast forward button.

'This is Ollie Blossom, temper his boyfriend is leaving . . . This is the pause button, the record button, twist this to replay . . . The offer for dinner is still up.'

Hearing our words from last night was somewhat comforting. I listened to myself teach him the basics of recorders and he giggled. Then, finally, I reached the parts where he was alone. The parts I didn't hear.

' . . . Stephan, I love you. I love you so ridiculously much. Once I join The Cassius Post, I'll definitely give you complementary kisses.'

My heart felt like melting as I realized my lips smiling uncontrollably.

'But until then, I will practice to be great.' He paused. 'Like you.'

"You already are." I found myself answering, even though he was nowhere in sight.

'Shall I begin?'

"Go right on."

'This is Ollie Blossom, reporting live!!!'

"One more time?"

'This is Ollie Blossom, reporting live!'

This time, he got it right. A surge of pride struck my chest. I taught him that.

It felt as if he were really here. Beside me, sitting on the tree bark. Well, this was where he was yesterday. He and I.

It continued rolling as he paused. 'Where's the pause button again? Um, so this is the recording butto-"


There was a moment of silence . . . then a loud thud.

I held my breath. Did he fall?

'A-ah . . . ' He hitched and groaned. In . . . pain? Until the sound of dragging.

I found my confusion slowly melting into worry. Then panic.

He weakly spoke. Spoke like a person on the brink of unconsciousness. 'Wha . . .'

I realized he was kicking his feet against the dry leaves. He was on the ground. Maybe trying to break free.

I heard the ripping of tape as Ollie's struggle became muffled.

It was like a horrible, horrible scene was unfolding right before me. But I couldn't do anything.

It already happened.

The fear of learning the unknown. I feared to learn but was so anxious to know. What on earth is happening?!? I was helpless. Standing in the exact spot where . . .

The sharp sound of a stab tore the record. The sound of a knife penetrating wet flesh as bone snapped and broke.


Ollie's screams were muffled. His cries of pain and suffer. And I couldn't do a thing. Not a single thing to help.

Then the sound of a rock hitting plastic. I imagined Ollie getting up to his feet as the bangs of running went further and further. That was the most I could do. Helplessly hoping for the best.

But it wasn't only one footstep, there were two. The running became fainter to a whisper until there was only silence.

The silence became too long for my anguish to wait. I would drown in my own guilt if I let it seep in.

I frantically jammed the forward button with sweaty hands. Footsteps came back.

'Krrkk . . . shrk . . . '

Leaves . . . leaves were being piled up. The recording cut. I slowly turned and saw a hill of leaves.

My eyes snapped with horror.

A trail of red. Leading deeper into the woods.

No. No, no, no, no, no!

But for some reason, I couldn't gasp. I couldn't scream. I was frozen, eyes wide and fingers clamped tight.

I wearily stepped closer, feeling numb. There was something under the pile.

It's just a squirrel. It's just a rat. It's just a snake.

My head turned to where the blood trail led. Deeper into the captivating, crisp forest. Something was pulling me in. A looming sense in a beautiful place.

I desperately followed the trail. I needed to know what happened.

My breathing became labored as I strode past yesterday's events. I rewinded the tape and heard his voice again.

I couldn't make it out. He was too far. He was running away with the crunching of leaves. He was calling for help.

The scent of metal tainted the air. Metal?

I stopped.

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