Chapter XXXIX - "Bribe?"

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 Farlows was just a few blocks down where I came from. What's funny is that I could hear Molly, Innes, and the waiter in their frenzy even a mile away.

I walked up to the fishing shop and headed inside, taking a deep breath.

The receipt was stuffed in my pocket. Here was the plan. Come in, ask the cashier if they remembered who bought the knife and fishing line, and leave. Easy, right?

I walked up to the cashier, whose name badge was Diwa. She was my age.

"Excuse me?" I awkwardly smile.

"Heya!" She beamed with her brown skin and pretty smile.

I smiled back and slid the receipt on the counter. "Do you . . . erm, think you know who bought this?"

A foreboding, bold aura floated to my left.

I hesitated to look.

Leaning against the wall, hands crossed and a smug smirk was Lavender Schaff.

"You . . . " I was speechless. "You!"

"Fancy seeing you here." He tilted his head. "What a small world."

"Did you follow me?!?"


"Then why are you—"

Diwa coughed. "If y'all aren't gonna buy anything and just ask about a receipt which I have no clue about, I think y'all should get out."

I reached for my pocket and dropped a paper bill on the table. But to my surprise (and significant annoyance), Lav slammed five pounds as well.

"What are you doing?" I tightly whispered, almost hissing through my teeth.

"Helping you bribe this cashier."

The cashier dramatically gasped. "Mean."

My fist clenches. "What do you mean bribe?"

"Don't you want to know who bought the fishing line? So do I."

I take a deep breath, adrenaline rushing. "Fine."

We both turn to the cashier, waiting.

"Uhh . . . " Her eyes dart us back and forth. "So let me get this straight. You want me to date all the way back to October to find who bought ya' your— Ehh . . . " She checks the receipt. "Your fishing line and pocket knife?"

We nod.

She sucks in her teeth, making a sharp sound. She takes one glance at the ten pounds on the table, just waiting for her to pick it up, and smiles, all too pleased with herself. "Sure." She picks up the money as her cheeks grow bigger.

"Okay, first off, was it a boy or a girl?" I asked.

"Boy. The only reason I remember the guy who bought this was because he was all scared about the knife. Sweating, stuttering, and all."

I exchange glances with Lavender.

She continues. "Oh, and, of course, I think he was Chinese or something. Black hair . . . I think."

"Was he short?" Lav suddenly interrupts.

"I would be lying if I said no, buddy."

He grins. He nods in thanks and walks away.

I scoffed, chasing after him. And when I did, one step of his was two of mine. I looked like a fool beside him. Trying to catch up like a child. Wait! I run back and grab a stain remover, giving three pounds to the cashier. I ran back to Lav. "Hey! What— Who is it???"

"Seriously?" A wide grin plastered on his lips. "Chinese, black hair, scared, and short. That's Naomi Vegas' whole portfolio."

Naomi??? It couldn't be him. Yet on second thought . . . if Lav found the receipt in school . . . No! It doesn't make sense! "Wha— Isn't Naomi Japanese???"

"You think the cashier would know that?" He stops and faces me. He was so carefree and laid back but he had a point. He hands me another paper. "Here's my number. You know when to call me."

And he's gone.

Class Of 96': 1994 (BxB Mystery)Where stories live. Discover now