Steve Rogers

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It had been decades since Steve Rogers had been frozen in time. When he was thawed out, the world he was living in was completely different from the one he left behind. He was overwhelmed and lost, not knowing how to navigate this new world he found himself in.

That's where Y/n Fury came in. Nick Fury, Y/n's father, assigned her to show Steve around and teach him the ways of the 21st century. At first, Steve was hesitant and resistant to change, but Y/n was patient and understanding. She showed him how to use a smartphone, how to use social media, and how to order food from a restaurant.

As time went on, Steve and Y/n became close friends. They traveled the world together, exploring new cultures and experiencing new things. Y/n became Steve's confidante and support system, always there to lend a listening ear or a helping hand.

But as the years went on, Y/n realized that her feelings for Steve had grown beyond friendship. She had fallen in love with him, but she was afraid to tell him. She didn't want to risk ruining their friendship or making things awkward between them.

One day, while they were sitting on a beach in Hawaii, Y/n finally mustered up the courage to tell Steve how she felt. She told him that she had fallen in love with him over the years they had known each other. Steve was surprised but happy. He leaned in and kissed her, and Y/n knew in that moment that they were meant to be together.

But their happiness was short-lived. Nick Fury found out about their relationship and was furious. He didn't want his daughter getting involved with a man who was technically decades older than her. But surprisingly, Nick eventually came around. He saw how happy Y/n was with Steve and realized that age didn't matter when it came to love.

From that day on, Steve and Y/n were inseparable. They continued to travel the world together, but now as a couple. They faced challenges and obstacles along the way, but they always had each other's backs. They knew that their love was strong enough to overcome anything.

As they sat on a rooftop in New York City, watching the sunrise together, Steve turned to Y/n and said, "I never thought I could find love again after everything I've been through. But you showed me that anything is possible. I love you, Y/n."

Y/n smiled and leaned in for a kiss, knowing that Steve was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. They had come a long way since Steve was thawed out of ice, but they had each other and that was all that mattered.
Enjoy the next one shot.

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