Scott Lang

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As Scott Lang drove away from his ex-wife's house, his mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of his daughter, Cassie. However, his attention was suddenly diverted when he saw a stunning woman with her young son, standing beside a broken-down car on the side of the road.

Without hesitation, Scott pulled over and approached her, offering to help. Y/n L/n was grateful for his assistance and they soon struck up a conversation, getting to know each other better as they worked on the car. Scott couldn't help but be drawn to her warm smile and sparkling eyes, and her son Avery was just as charming.

As they worked together to fix the car, Scott found himself feeling more and more comfortable around Y/n. They shared stories about their lives and interests, discovering that they had much in common. Eventually, they exchanged phone numbers, promising to keep in touch.

Over the next few weeks, Scott and Y/n talked regularly and went on a few dates. He loved spending time with her and Avery, and he cherished the bond they were forming. Despite the challenges they faced as single parents, they found a way to make it work.

As they grew closer, Scott realized that he had found something special in Y/n. She was kind, funny, and fiercely independent, and he admired her strength and resilience. With her by his side, he felt like he could handle anything life threw his way.

Scott knew that he had taken a chance by stopping to help a stranger on the side of the road, but he was glad he had done it. It had led him to Y/n and Avery, and he couldn't imagine his life without them now. As he drove home with a smile on his face, he knew that he had found something truly worth holding onto.
Enjoy the next one shot.

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