Steven Strange

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Steven Strange was a man who had seen things that were beyond the comprehension of most people. He had traveled to different dimensions, battled against powerful villains, and had even wielded the power of the Time Stone. However, all of this was nothing compared to the feeling he got when he met Y/n Romanoff.

Y/n was the younger sister of Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow. She was a beautiful young woman with long, flowing red hair and piercing green eyes. Steven had met her during one of his visits to the Avengers headquarters, where she had come to visit her sister. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew that there was something special about her.

As fate would have it, Steven was given the opportunity to teach Y/n how to do magic. The Ancient One had given him permission to take on an apprentice, and he had chosen Y/n. Steven was delighted at the thought of spending time with her, and teaching her the ways of magic.

Over the course of several weeks, Steven trained Y/n in the art of sorcery. He showed her how to harness her inner power, and how to channel it into spells and incantations. Y/n was a quick learner, and it wasn't long before she was casting spells with ease.

One day, after a particularly successful session, Y/n was so excited that she jumped into Steven's arms and kissed him on the lips. At first, Steven was taken aback by the suddenness of the gesture. However, as he looked into Y/n's eyes, he realized that he had feelings for her too.

Y/n pulled away from the kiss, looking embarrassed and apologetic. She thought she had made a mistake, and that Steven would be angry with her. However, Steven did something that surprised her. He pulled her back into his arms, and kissed her again.

The two of them stood there, locked in a passionate embrace, as their love for each other grew stronger. Steven knew that he was taking a risk by falling in love with his apprentice, but he couldn't help himself. Y/n was everything he had ever wanted in a woman, and he was willing to risk everything for her.

As their training continued, Steven and Y/n's relationship grew stronger. They spent every moment they could together, whether it was practicing magic or simply enjoying each other's company. Steven knew that he had found his soulmate in Y/n, and he was grateful for every day they spent together.

In the end, Y/n became an incredibly powerful sorceress, thanks to Steven's tutelage. She went on to become one of the greatest magicians of her time, using her powers to help others and to protect the world from evil. And through it all, she remained by Steven's side, their love for each other never wavering.

Steven Strange had seen many incredible things in his life, but nothing was more magical than the love he shared with Y/n Romanoff.
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