Nick Fury

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Nick Fury had always known that there was something special about Y/n Barton. She had been Clint's twin sister, after all, and they had grown up together in a family of circus performers. But what Fury didn't know was the extent of Y/n's abilities and the dark past that she had kept hidden for so long.

It wasn't until Fury had started digging deeper into the history of Hydra that he stumbled upon Y/n's file. He couldn't believe what he was reading - Y/n had been kidnapped by Hydra when she was only 16 years old. They had taken her away from her family and forced her to undergo extensive training in martial arts and weapon skills. They had also experimented on her, giving her powers that she never even knew existed.

Fury was furious that this had happened to someone he considered a friend. He knew that he needed to talk to Y/n and find out everything that had happened to her. He also had another motive - he had always had feelings for Y/n, but had never acted on them. He wanted to tell her about his feelings, but he knew that he needed to be careful. He didn't want to ruin their friendship.

Fury arranged a meeting with Y/n and the Avengers. He wanted to recruit her as one of their own, knowing that her skills and abilities would be invaluable to their team. As the meeting began, Fury couldn't take his eyes off of Y/n. She had grown into a beautiful woman, but he could still see the pain and darkness in her eyes.

As Y/n began to talk about her past, Fury could feel his anger growing. He couldn't believe that someone had done this to her. But as she talked about her abilities and the control she had over them, Fury became more and more impressed. He knew that Y/n would be an asset to the team.

After the meeting, Fury pulled Y/n aside to talk to her in private. He knew that this was his chance to tell her how he felt. As they stood there, alone in the room, Fury took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Y/n, I know that we've been friends for a long time, but I need to tell you something. I've had feelings for you for a while now. I know that it might be too late or that it might ruin our friendship, but I just had to tell you."

Y/n looked at Fury, stunned. She had never expected him to say something like this. But as she looked into his eyes, she could see the sincerity and love in them. She knew that she felt the same way.

"Fury, I had no idea...I mean, I've always felt something for you too. But with everything that's happened in my life, I never thought that anyone could love me."

Fury took Y/n's hand and pulled her close. He looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Y/n, you are one of the strongest and most amazing people I have ever met. I love you for who you are and everything that you've been through. You are a survivor and a fighter, and I want to be there for you every step of the way."

Y/n smiled, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe that she had found someone who loved her for who she was. As they embraced, Fury knew that he had made the right choice in telling Y/n how he felt. They were meant to be together, and nothing would ever tear them apart.
Enjoy the next one shot.

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