Loki Laufeyson

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Y/n had been carrying Loki's children for nine months, and the day had finally come when she was going to give birth. Loki was pacing up and down the hallway outside the delivery room, his hands clasped together nervously. He had never been so anxious in his life.

Thor arrived just in time to see his brother pacing back and forth. "Loki, what's going on? Why are you so worked up?" he asked.

Loki stopped pacing and turned to Thor. "Y/n is having the babies, Thor! I don't know what to do!"

Thor placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "Loki, calm down. Everything is going to be alright. Y/n is in good hands, and you need to trust that she will be okay."

Loki took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, Thor. I need to calm down."

The two brothers stood in the hallway, waiting anxiously for news. Finally, Frigga emerged from the delivery room with a nurse. In her arms were two tiny babies, a boy and a girl.

Loki's face lit up with joy and relief. "Are they alright?" he asked Frigga.

Frigga smiled. "Yes, they are both healthy and strong. Y/n did very well."

Loki felt a surge of gratitude and love for his wife. He couldn't wait to hold his children and welcome them into the world.

As Frigga handed him the babies, Loki's heart swelled with pride and love. He looked down at the tiny faces of his son and daughter, and he knew that he would do anything to protect them and make them happy.

Y/n was still recovering from the birth, but Loki knew that she was going to be an amazing mother. Together, they would raise their children to be strong, kind, and brave.

As Loki looked at his family, he felt a sense of peace and contentment. He knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them with his family by his side.
Enjoy the next one shot.

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