𝕋he fast track to California

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"Now, where were we?" Aeolus tore his sickening gaze from Nicki, turning to smile at Jason like he was issuing a challenge. "Ah, yes, you wanted information. Are you sure about that? Sometimes information can be dangerous." Behind him, Mellie shook her head in warning.

"Yeah," Jason said. "We need to find the lair of Enceladus." 

Aeolus's smile melted. "The giant? Why would you want to go there? He's horrible! He doesn't even watch my program!" 

Piper held up the photo. "Aeolus, he's got my father. We need to rescue him and find out where Hera is being held captive." 

"Now, that's impossible," Aeolus said. "Even I can't see that, and believe me, I've tried. There's a veil of magic over Hera's location—very strong, impossible to locate." 

"She's at a place called the Wolf House," Jason said. 

"Hold on!" Aelous put a hand to his forehead and closed his eyes. "I'm getting something! Yes, she's at a place called the Wolf House! Sadly, I don't know where that is." 

"Enceladus does," Piper persisted. "If you help us find him, we could get the location of the goddess—" 

"Yeah," Leo said, catching on. "And if we save her, she'd be really grateful to you—" 

"And Zeus might promote you," Jason added. 

"If we put in a good word for you," Nicki finished. Jason's blue eyes landed on Nicki and Ethan, and an unspoken question danced through his pupils, but the older boy just stared numbly at the floor. Nicki smiled weakly in an attempt at reassurance.

Aeolus's eyebrows crept up. "A promotion—and all you want from me is the giant's location?"

"Well, if you could get us there, too," Jason amended, "that would be great." 

Mellie clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh, he could do that! He often sends helpful winds—"

 "Mellie, quiet!" Aeolus snapped. "I have half a mind to fire you for letting these people in under false pretences." 

Her face paled. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." 

"It wasn't her fault," Nicki spoke up. Ethan's hand was grasped tightly in hers and her face had a tinge of green, but her voice was surprisingly steady. "Leave her alone." Aeolus looked taken aback. A storm of anger flashed across the god's face.

"About that help..." Jason stepped in front of Nicki. 

Aelous tilted his head as if thinking. Then Nicki realized the wind lord was listening to voices in his earpiece. "Well ... Zeus approves," Aeolus muttered. "He says ... he says it would be better if you could avoid saving her until after the weekend because he has a big party planned—Ow! That's Aphrodite yelling at him, reminding him that the solstice starts at dawn. She says I should help you. And Hephaestus... yes. Hmm. Very rare they agree on anything. Hold on, here comes Apollo shouting his head off about you..." 

Jason smiled at his friends. Finally, they were having some good luck. 

Nicki wasn't paying the group any attention, she was too busy rubbing circles on Ethan's hand. 

Back toward the entrance, Jason heard a loud belch. Coach Hedge waddled in from the lobby, grass all over his face. Mellie saw him coming across the makeshift floor and caught her breath. "Who is that?" 

Nicki stifled a giggle. 

Jason coughed uncomfortably. "That? That's just Coach Hedge. Uh, Gleeson Hedge. He's our ..." Jason wasn't sure what to call him: teacher, friend, problem? 

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