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Nicki wanted Annabeth to hate New Rome. She wanted her to look Nicki in the eyes and tell it it was so ugly she was going to die. But as an aspiring architect, she couldn't help admiring the terraced gardens, the fountains and temples, the winding cobblestone streets and gleaming white villas.

"We have the best architects and builders in the world," Reyna said as if reading her thoughts. "Rome always did, in the ancient times. Many demigods stay on to live here after their time in the legion. They go to our university. They settle down to raise families. Percy seemed interested in this fact."

Nicki wondered what that meant. She must have scowled more fiercely than she realized because Reyna laughed.

"You're a warrior, all right," the praetor said. "You've got fire in your eyes."

"Sorry." Nicki tried to tone down the glare. The blonde beside her rubbed the small of her back comfortingly. It was hard to miss the dejected dullness in Nicki's gaze.

"Don't be. I'm the daughter of Bellona."

"Roman goddess of war?"

Reyna nodded. She turned and whistled like she was hailing a cab. A moment later, two metal dogs raced toward them—automaton greyhounds, one silver and one gold. They brushed against Reyna's legs and regarded the two Greek demigods with glistening ruby eyes. "My pets," Reyna explained. "Aurum and Argentum. You don't mind if they walk with us?"

Again, Nicki got the feeling it wasn't really a request. She noted that the greyhounds had teeth like steel arrowheads. Maybe weapons weren't allowed inside the city, but Reyna's pets could still tear her to pieces if they chose.

"I mean... I'm more of a cat person myself." Nicki's tone was serious but still Reyna laughed at her, which didn't help her growing distaste for the Praetor.

Reyna led them to an outdoor café, where the waiter clearly knew her. He smiled and handed her a to-go cup, then offered one to each of the girls. "Would you like some?" Reyna asked. "They make wonderful hot chocolate. Not really a Roman drink—"

"But chocolate is universal," Annabeth said.


It was a warm June afternoon, but Annabeth accepted the cup with thanks. She took one on behalf of Nicki, forcing it into her hands. "Play nice." She whispered, glancing at the two metal dogs.

The three of them walked on, Reyna's gold and silver dogs roaming nearby. "In our camp," Reyna said, "Athena is Minerva. Are you familiar with how her Roman form is different?"

Nicki hadn't really considered it before. She remembered the way Terminus had called Athena that goddess as if she were scandalous. Octavian had acted like Annabeth's very existence was an insult.

Annabeth sighed. "I take it Minerva isn't... uh, quite as respected here?"

Reyna blew steam from her cup. "We respect Minerva. She's the goddess of crafts and wisdom... but she isn't really a goddess of war. Not for Romans. She's also a maiden goddess, like Diana... the one you call Artemis. You won't find any children of Minerva here. The idea that Minerva would have children—frankly, it's a little shocking to us."

"Oh." Annabeth felt her face flush. She didn't want to get into the details of Athena's children—how they were born straight from the mind of the goddess, just as Athena herself had sprung from the head of Zeus. Talking about that always made Annabeth feel self-conscious like she was some sort of freak. People usually asked her whether or not she had a belly button, since she had been born magically. Of course, she had a belly button. She couldn't explain how. She didn't really want to know.

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