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Nicki couldn't bring herself to let go of Percy as they sat in the Big House. The boy didn't seem very opposed to the idea. He softly thumbed his thumb in circles over the back of her palm.

He explained how he'd caused the explosion at Mount St. Helens and gotten blasted out of the volcano. He told them he'd been marooned on an island. How Hephaestus had found him and told him he could leave.

He mentioned how a magic raft had carried him back to camp. Percy opened his mouth to say something else.

His gaze flickered to Nicki, who was staring up at him like he was the gods' gift to the world, and he found his mouth closing and slipping into a grin.

"You've been gone two weeks." Annabeth's voice was steadier now, but she still looked pretty shaken up. "When I heard the explosion, I thought—"

"I know," Percy said. "I'm sorry. But I figured out how to get through the Labyrinth. I talked to Hephaestus."

"He told you the answer?"

"Well, he sort of told me that I already knew. And I do. I understand now."

Percy began to explain his idea. Nicki squeezed his hand tighter and smiled even wider than before. As she looked up at him, he wanted to just throw his arms around her and never let go.

Annabeth's jaw dropped. "Percy, that's crazy!"

Chiron sat back in his wheelchair and stroked his beard. "There is precedent, however. Theseus had the help of Ariadne. Harriet Tubman, daughter of Hermes, used many mortals on her Underground Railroad for just this reason."

"But this is my quest," Annabeth said. "I need to lead it."

Chiron looked uncomfortable. "My dear, it is your quest. But you need help."

"And this is supposed to help? Please! It's wrong. It's cowardly. It's—"

Nicki tore her gaze away from Percy. "It's true. You need to have a complete understanding of the Labyrinth to traverse it, something demigods can't have."

"How would you know?" Annabeth spat, immediately turning on the offensive. "It's not like you or your help was wanted on this quest."

The black-haired girl shrugged. She lent back in her chair, unable to shake the lopsided smile aching her cheeks.

"I did a bit of research in case my help was wanted."

Annabeth glared at Nicki. "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met!" And she stormed out of the room.

Chiron peered nervously at the girl.

Percy squeezed Nicki's hand tighter as she stared at the doorway. "I sense I may have hit a nerve?"

"She will calm down," Chiron promised. "She's jealous."

Nicki raised an eye at the centaur. Her grip on Percy tightened significantly.

"That's stupid. She's not...it's not like..."

Chiron chuckled. "It hardly matters. Annabeth is very territorial about her friends, in case you haven't noticed. She was quite worried about you. And now that you're back, I think she suspects where you were marooned."

Percy met Chiron's eyes and they seemed to have a silent exchange. Nicki's gaze danced between them in obvious confusion.

"We won't dwell on your choices," Chiron said. "You came back. That is what matters."

"Tell that to Annabeth."

Chiron smiled. "In the morning I will have Argus take you into Manhattan. You might stop by your mother's, Percy. She is...understandably distraught. Perhaps, you may want to take someone with you?"

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