𝕊omeone order a hurricane?

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Percy got up so fast that he banged his head on somebody's chest plate.


"Sorry, Perseus." Nicki was standing over the demigod. "I was just about to wake you."

Percy rubbed his head, trying to clear the sleepy fog from his brain.

"Perseus?" Nicki asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Percy's voice wasn't very convincing, but nonetheless Nicki let it drop. "What... what are you doing in armour? You should be resting."

"Oh, I'm fine," she said, though she still looked pale. She was barely moving her right arm. "That nectar and ambrosia fixed me up."

"Uh-huh. You can't seriously go out and fight."

She offered Percy her hand and helped him up. Her nose scrunched up slightly in pain. Her head was pounding. Outside, the sky was purple and red.

"You're going to need every person you have," she said. "I just a text from Ethan. There's an army—"

"Heading south into Central Park," Percy interrupted. "Yeah, I know."

Percy told her part of his dreams. He left out the vision of May Castellan because it was too disturbing to talk about.

"We had the same dream." Nicki's voice was low. "Did you see-"

Percy nodded.

"Do you think Ethan suspects about your weak spot?" she asked.

"I don't know," he admitted. "He didn't tell Kronos anything, but if he figures it out—"

"We can't let him. Not yet."

"I'll bonk him on the head harder next time," Percy suggested. "Any idea what surprise Kronos was talking about?"

She shook her head. "I remember being told anything and Ethan doesn't know, but I don't like surprises."


"So," she said, "are you going to argue about me coming along?"

"Nah. You'd just beat me up."

She managed a laugh, which was good to hear. Percy grabbed his sword, and they went to rally the troops.

Thalia and the head counsellors were waiting for them at the Reservoir. The lights of the city were blinking on at twilight. A lot of them must have been on automatic timers. Streetlamps glowed around the shore of the lake, making the water and trees look even spookier.

"They're coming," Thalia confirmed, pointing north with a silver arrow. "One of my scouts just reported they've crossed the Harlem River. There was no way to hold them back. The army..." She shrugged. "It's huge."

"Sounds about right," Nicki muttered. She fixed her sling with a shaky breath.

"We'll hold them at the park," Percy said. "Grover, you ready?"

He nodded. "As ready as we'll ever be. If my nature spirits can stop them anywhere, this is the place."

"Yes, we will!" said another voice. A very old, fat satyr pushed through the crowd, stumbling over his own spear. He was dressed in wood-bark armour that only covered half of his belly.

"Leneus?" Nicki asked.

"Don't act so surprised," he huffed. "I am a leader of the Council, and Percy did tell me to find Grover. Well, I found him, and I'm not going to let a mere outcast lead the satyrs without my help!" Behind Leneus's back, Grover made gagging motions, but the old satyr grinned like he was the saviour of the day. "Never fear! We'll show those Titans!"

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