Chapter Four

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Today is the day where I decide which faction I will belong to for the rest of my life. It's impossible not to worry. 

I have narrowed my choices to Amity or Dauntless, the kind or the brave. It may seem odd having a difficulty choosing between such polar opposites but I can see a life in both factions. 

Although I am not like most Amity girls, I do fit in with the Amity people. It's almost relaxing to live apart from the city and not be able to see a skyscraper. There is no stress or anxiety here, it's peaceful. 

The only other person apart from Avery that knows I am not actually Sophie, is Johanna. She and I have a rough past, but she has forgiven me for it.

Now we can laugh about the time I was drugged with the peace serum, it now brings me fond memories of joy.

I dress myself in a yellow floral dress that covers my tattoos, and my hair is curled with a wooden headband resting on the locks. I put on the golden braided anklet Avery got me.

I want to look nice for the decision I am about to make, but for some reason I am disgusted by the way I am dressed. 

I take off the headband and I braid two locks on my hair in the front, this is more of a Dauntless style.

I find a plainer dress that reminds me of Abnegation and put it on. I keep on my anklet and now I feel better. 

I load into the rusty green pick up truck Avery owns. We sit next to each other and exchange smiles. Her's looks real, and mine is an imitation of a weak smile. 

We take our work truck into the city, and it is a bumpy ride. The roads are gravel and dirt, not like in the city where they are a sheen black asphalt. 

During the drive, I don't talk at all. This would be irregular in Amity, everyone there always has plenty to say. But, for me I just need to think to myself what I will choose.

We reach the Hub, its brown exterior. I sit with the rest of the Amity, awaiting our choice. The other sixteen year old Amity's look overjoyed, on the other hand I look and feel drab. 

They laugh at each other, and one Amity boy that I know to be the name of Thomas, taps my shoulder and says "Don't worry about it, you will be fine!" 

Although, how would he know what I was actually going through and how challenging it is. 

This year the Candor hosted the Choosing Ceremony. Jack Kang, their leader, gave the same speech, just with a little more Candor references. 

I am the first person ever to do the Choosing Ceremony twice. 

"Now, let's begin this important ceremony, we will be announcing in reverse alphabetical order." Oh, no Thatcher is close to the end of the alphabet, I need to decide soon.

"Rachel Ziegler" A young woman in white walks up to the bowls, she chooses Candor, her birth faction. 

I can see the look of approval on Jack Kang's face. 

"Bridget Webslyn",  a rugged looking girl from Dauntless walks up, she slits her hand and the drop of blood doesn't go into the coals. She is the first transfer.

The drop lands in the water. I can see the Dauntless's mouth wide open in shock. 

The Erudite graciously welcome her in. And she looks back to the Dauntless with an upset look but when she turns forward her smile rises. 

"Sophie Thatcher", my heart drops. I walk up to the bowls.

I hold the knife in my hand, sliding it across my right palm, I can still see a faint scar from when I did this two years ago. 

I look at the burning coals and then to the soil. Both seem appealing.

The drop of blood falls. 


This cliffhanger is really good, huh? Comment below what you think Tris chose. 

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