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    You debated on whether or not you should go. The night you got home from Ash's concert it wasThursday, and Eric's concert was on Saturday. By the time you got back, it was already pretty late. So you decided to get comfortable and go to sleep immediately. You could think more about the concert invite tomorrow.

    At 8, your bedside alarm woke you up. Having skipped breakfast the past few days, you decided you needed to at least have a bowl of cereal or something this morning. Walking to the kitchen in your pajamas and making breakfast, you thought about calling Raquel. If you told her you didn't know if you wanted to go or not, you were pretty sure she'd force you. You decided not to, and instead ate your breakfast in the company of your favorite tv show.

    Once you put your dishes in the sink, you walked back to your bedroom, changing into something still comfortable, but a little more presentable. You sat on you bed, eyeing the ticket on your nightstand. You picked it up to get another look at it. It had his name on it. Up until now, you only knew him as Eric, now you knew the name he made music under was Ericdoa. Not much of a difference but it would be helpful to you if you wanted to listen to more of this music before the show.

    You didn't want to be a stalker, but you also couldn't go to his concert not knowing anything about him. You decided just to listen to his most popular songs and hope that those were the ones he chose to play tomorrow. You queued them and connected your phone to your speaker, listening but also doing any other tasks you needed to get done around your apartment before work.

    By the time you had to get ready to leave, some of his songs had already started to loop. You disconnected your speaker and made your way out to your car. Yes, you had a car, you just almost never used it. You and Raquel both worked in the mall, so she usually insisted on driving you to work and back. Today would be no different, except she took a day off for whatever reason.

    After getting in and starting your car, you connected your phone to the aux instead, and decided to play some less popular songs. Learning the lyrics and singing along, you drove to work.

    Work was no different than it usually is. Business is never exactly slow, but since people come in often to get books for school, there's usually less customers during the beginning and middle of summer.

    After your shift, Raquel came to pick you up like always. "Hey, why'd you take off work today?" You asked as you buckled your seatbelt. She shrugged. "Self care day." She replied smiling to herself. You rolled your eyes and connected to the aux, once again listening to Ericdoa before his concert. Raquel didn't know the song that came on shuffle but she nodded her head to the music anyways. "Eric?" She asked. She recognized his voice, it was ever so slightly deeper than Glaive's when singing. "Yup!" You answered, looking out the window and resting your chin in the palm of your hand.

    Soon enough, you two arrived at your apartment "What are you doing today?" She asked You. "Nothing, why?" "Lets have a sleepover together and leave for the show together tomorrow." She said smiling. "A sleepover?" "Yeah!" Even though you were both 19, you turning 20 this winter, Raquel was still a child at heart. You laughed at her antics and agreed.

    Raquel left to grab her pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow, as well as anything she wanted to bring to the show. Seeing how excited she was for it, you decided to go. Why would you waste free backstage tickets?

    Once Raquel got back, she insisted that you two should watch Lilo & Stitch together. You couldn't resist. Plus, it was a good movie.

    The two of you sat on the couch together, with popcorn and blankets of course, to have a movie night. You watched Lilo & Sitch 1 and 2, Mulan, High School Musical, and finally Beauty and The Beast. By the time you were done it was almost midnight.

    You tried to get up to put the popcorn bowl in the sink, but Raquel had fell asleep on your shoulder. You got up anyways and she fell to the side, still peacefully asleep. You shook your head and repositioned the blanket she was using so it covered her completely.

    You wanted to be ready a little early tomorrow so you set an alarm for 5pm just so you didn't forget. You changed into your pajamas and sat back down on the floor this time since Raquel was taking up the entire couch, wanting to watch just one more movie before you fell asleep. instead of Disney movies, you decided to watch a scary one. You turned on your favorite horror movie and snuggled up in the blanket you were using.

    Even though you planned to watch the movie then go to sleep in your bed. You ended up accidentally falling asleep on the floor next to Raquel on the couch.


"Hello? Hey.. Hey!" You sat up, rubbing your eyes. The dark haired boy from yesterday was kneeled in front of you. What was his name again? Right, Eric.

"Huh..?" You sleepily groaned. You looked around and you were still in front of the couch on the floor, but Raquel was no where to be found, neither was the blanket she was using.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him. "I live here?" He answered, more as a question than a statement. "Get up, you fell asleep on the floor." He stood up and held his hand out to you. You grabbed it and stood up as well.

Looking around your apartment, it was so much more different than how you remembered it. Touches of Eric were everywhere. There were maybe one or two music-related awards on the walls, and some of your items were replaced with more masculine counterparts. Your bedroom door was open and you could just barely see your bedside table, the window above it, and your desk.

Sitting on your nightstand proudly, was a photo frame. A framed picture of you and Eric, smiling happily as he kissed your forehead. You turned around to look at him but he was gone. Then you felt cool skin touch your cheek, then your shoulder, startling you. Raquel was here after all, you heard her voice.

"Wake up sleepyhead."

𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 - Ericdoa ⭑Where stories live. Discover now