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    I slept as soon as me and Ash found our seats on the plane. He offered to put my bags in the overhead bin for me and of course I didn't say no. I didn't feel like being awake with my thoughts right now, honestly. It sounds depressing, but once I heard Lei's voice, laughing with Raquel and Ash, knowing I wouldn't see her again for a while... It made my heart ache.

    I tried to stay asleep for as long as I could, but eventually I had to get up. I could only sleep for around three hours, for some reason. It was around eight at night and Ash was passed out beside me. The plane was oddly quiet, but it was nice, and I was so thankful nobody had brought their baby on the plane today, because I could not deal with that and heartbreak right now.

     Well, it wasn't actually heartbreak, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. It was more of, separation anxiety maybe? When you spend so much time with someone you just met, it's hard adjusting to their absence. 

    Regardless of how much I miss her, I know can't let her consume my mind, I have other responsibilities right now too. I reached in my pocket, but my phone wasn't there. What? My phone isn't there? I started to panic before remembering it was in my hoodie pocket, not my jeans pocket. I'm stressed.

    Shaking my head and slightly laughing at my own stupidity, I opened Life360, which my family forced me to have once I started going on tour and traveling for my career. I guessed were about two hours away from landing. I texted my mom quickly, assuming she was still awake, as she had always been a night owl.

    I only sent a quick text to make sure everything was fine, as fine as it could be. "¿Todo bien mamá?" I told her me and Ash were two hours away and she replied saying not to worry about coming home today, and told us we should get a hotel as we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

    My mom kept me company for the rest of the two, very boring, hours. Ash jolted awake next to me from the turbulence and it took him a minute to realize where he was. Once we grabbed all our luggage, I called an Uber to take us to the hotel. 

    I picked the one closest to my mom's house, and it was actually pretty nice. Ash was exhausted so once we checked in, we both took showers and he went straight to sleep. For some reason I couldn't sleep, at all. I stayed up thinking until about twelve when I finally clocked out for the night.

    My mom went to sleep at eleven, and said goodnight to me before she did so. Every night  during my childhood, she would always say "Dulces sueños, estrellita." and she still tells me that every night, even if she can't tuck me in or kiss my forehead while she does it anymore.

    I did, in fact, not have sweet dreams that night, but it didn't matter. Me and Ash woke up at eight, and both went to see what the hotel had for breakfast. It was surprisingly good and made us feel a lot better about the situations we were in. After that, it was time to head to my parents' house, and it was safe to say the rest of the day wouldn't be this nice, and we expected a lot of tears.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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