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(Sleep Thru Ur Alarms - Lontalius) (angst warning)

    After we both ate, we both stayed up late playing games before deciding to go to sleep. I went to my room but I wasn't tired at all. Usually my room was like my cozy safe place but tonight it felt oddly empty. It felt cold, and still. 

    I knew what it really was. Of course, my room is the same as it always been, I was the problem.  My nerves and mind were getting the rest of me. Truthfully, I was scared of accidentally hurting him. He's funny, and I like talking to him and hanging out with him, and he likes me, obviously, but its not the same.

     I knew Eric was still awake, he told me he would be up for a while longer working, I kinda wanted to go talk to him but I didn't want to disturb him. Sometimes I hated living alone. I didn't want it to be weird though, is that overstepping? 

    I slowly opened my bedroom door and saw light peaking from underneath the guest bedroom door. I quietly walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water when I saw the light in his room turn off. I froze instantly, trying to not make any noise so he didn't see me. I watched as his door slowly creaked open and a very ill, and tired looking Eric peeked out of it. He looked toward the living room before walking out, as soon as he looked into the kitchen he saw me. 

    Him and I awkwardly stared at each other in some type of stand-off, even though in this lighting, or absence of it, we both just looked like shadow figures to each other. The moonlight from the kitchen window very slightly illuminated his face, and I swore it was damp.

    I walked closer to see him better and as I approached him, I saw that he had his eyes fixed on me the whole time, following me as I got closer. One droplet on his chin dared to fall at any second, and he knew I knew. Not knowing what to do, I quickly pulled him into a hug and hid my face from him, burying it into the black tank top he was wearing for pajamas. 

    I stood, unmoving for a second, waiting for him to react. After a few seconds, his body relaxed and his armed wrapped around me, returning the gesture. A cold droplet fell past my face, onto my arm and I felt his chest rise and sink as he sighed. 

    We stood there for a while, I looked up once to see him staring up, trying to avoid looking at me, even though he didn't know I was looking back. Tears rolled down his cheeks and got caught in his stubble. Rings of light from the moon illuminating each droplet as it fell. He sniffed and closed his eyes, tilting his head down. Before I got a chance to look away, he looked at me. His eyed looked sunken, and so tired. It wasn't any of my business why, but I wondered if this was from work, or if he had been hiding a lot more beneath the surface.

"Thank you, Lei."

Neither of us slept that night, it was spent in the comforting and much needed company of one another, watching movies, and reading stories to each other, until we fell asleep.

𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 - Ericdoa ⭑Where stories live. Discover now