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    "Tell me more about your family?" Lei asked.

    Eric pondered, mindlessly messing with the blanket they sat on. He didn't remember exactly how or when they had put it together, but him and Lei were having a picnic after the successful movie date.

    He chose to speak about his childhood, the best parts. His parents, more specifically his mom wandered into mind. He told her about them and repressed the news he got yesterday about his family, he didn't wan't to ruin the mood since it may be a while before they see each other again.

    "My dad would say she was her sun, so she would call me her star..." He paused, his lips slightly parted, ready to begin speaking again. 

    He looked at Lei, thankful that she happened to be sitting facing the moon, because the way the light bathed in her eyes reminded him of tiger's eye crystals, charging in moonlight. He never believed in crystals or anything, but to be fair, he didn't believe in all the textbook signs that you 'have a crush' but he had found every single one within this girl.

    "...but you're my whole universe." he finished with a cheesy grin, reaching up to kiss her on the cheek, leaving her at a loss for words as he laughed and leaned back down. 

    Eric looked at she moon before he felt a kiss planted on his cheek. He looked to her, slightly surprised and smiled. "Hi!" he said cutely before he poked his lips out to ask for a kiss there. She faltered for a moment and he took the opportunity to do it first, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

    He asked for another, and another, and another until she stopped and looked at him. "What?" He asked, still smiling. She stayed silent as she looked at him, smiling so hard her cheeks began to burn. He stared back at her and an idea flashed in his mind. 

    He shrugged, "Okay..." and quickly sprang up, tackling her onto the blanket. Shocked, she didn't have enough time to react before he began tickling her mercilessly and she was laughing uncontrollably, her sides and ab muscles quickly beginning to ache. He stopped after her laughs became small cute wheezes.

    They both laid on their sides with small smiles, looking at each other. She closed her eyes and he slowly and gently lay his hand on her cheek, cupping her face and tracing the bridge of her nose with his thumb. He blinked slowly, memorizing every unique detail her face and savoring the moment. Eric closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

    Sleepily, he opened them again, realization washed over him as if he had fell in the sea below him. Suddenly sickened, he slammed the airplane window shut and sighed. 

𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 - Ericdoa ⭑Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ