ひまわり- Sunflower

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A soft summer breeze,

The amber rays of the sun, shining brightly

The trees gently swaying in the wind,

The flowers enjoying the light

Among these flowers, 

Is one that looks like the ball of fire in the sky,

It reminds people of it,

Yet, it has it's own beauty.

Beautiful, soft, yellow petals,

As radiant as the sun itself,

A brown centre, resembling the dirt it is set in,

Accompanied by viridian stems and leaves

The flower sways in the summer breeze,

Taking in all the sunlight,

As the occasional white cloud floats by,

Temporarily obscuring the light,

But it soon returns when it hovers by,

Despite resembling the sun,

The flower has it's own identity.

In a way, humans are similar to sunflowers,

We may resemble another thing, another person,

But we all have our own identities,

We all have something that makes us special

In a way, humans are similar to flowers,

We need food, water, sunlight, care,

All of which to begin with,

Must be provided by another,

In order for our life to flourish,

In a way, it could be said that

Humans are simply

Complicated flowers.

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