I'm not sure

12 2 0

TW: None

Trees rustling in the wind,

birds cheerfully chirping,

singing their song,

for everyone to hear 

A group of friends,

sitting under the cool shade of a tree,

chatting among themselves,

hiding from the sun's scorching rays. 

However, one feels out of place.


these are people I'm supposed to feel myself around,

so why do I feel like I'm wearing a mask,

why do I feel out of place? 

It wasn't always like this,

I used to feel like I belonged,

somewhere I felt I could stay,

now though, I'm not sure 

I don't know why this started,

I used to enjoy being with them,

I used to look forward to being with them,

now though, I'm not too sure. 


why do I feel like this?

why do I feel like I don't belong,

why do I feel out of place? 

They haven't said anything,

they haven't done anything,

but I feel like they don't want me here,

I feel like they're sick of me. 


I don't think I've done anything,

I dare not ask, for fear I won't like the answer,

I'm not happy anymore,

what's changed? 

I don't know the answer,

I don't know if I want to know the answer,

should I say something?

should I let them know my concerns?

or should I keep quiet,

as to not be more annoying? 

I don't know what to do. 

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