Spring snow (しゅんせつ)

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TW: None

Amber rays of the sun,

shining brightly, dancing gracefully,

dancing on the surface of crystal-clear water,

on a clear spring day.

Soft wind turned bitter,

picking up speed, strength,

the amber rays become obscured, hidden,

by grey soft clouds rolling in. 

Small, white flecks,

shower down from above,

dancing gracefully,

some landing softly on the ground,

some mixing with soft pink petals

In the midst of white,

trees stand strong,

covered by pink blossoms,

blooming among the white blizzard.

The cherry blossoms stand,

holding against the snow,

creating a picturesque scene,

on a fateful spring day

If it were to be given a name,

it would be shunsetsu, meaning spring snow would be used,

a beautiful word,

to describe that beautiful day.

Despite being cold,

the snow lands softly on the cherry blossoms,

accompanying them,

further enhancing their beauty.

People look on form their homes,

from a place of warmth,

admiring the beauty of the snow and flowers,

the image forever being burned into their minds

A rare occurrence,

yet a beautiful one,

one that has photos taken of it,

and looked back upon with fondness. 

For others, they draw inspiration from the image,

for art, for words,

that they create by their own hands,

and may potentially share with others.

The spring snow leaves as quick as it comes,

but some snow remains,

clinging to the petals or tree itself,

and although the snow will disappear,

the beauty of snow and petals mixed together,

will forever be remembered by many. 

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