You meet him - 💙

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- LEO's POV-

"Stupid brothers..." I mumbled as I trudged through the empty streets of Manhattan. "Who needs those punks anyway"

I sat down on a building, my legs dangling off the edge. I sighed, this wasn't my fault.

"True...I had ratted - I mean, told on all of us for seeing the movie in that outdoor setting, but they were one's who wanted to see it in the first place so it's not MY fault we're grounded for a month.

YEP, that's right. I WAS the one who tried talked them out of it, I BEGGED them not to go but they left anyway and me being the oldest and MOST responsible of the turtles had to go after because if humans saw them, they would get their butts kicked.

That's exactly what happened. I, LEONARDO, could never let such a thing happen to my little brothers and followed them to ensure their safety and when we were caught by our father, I simply told him since I am too humble to lie to my very own father.

So it's not MY fault that we got grounded at all. HECK, NO!! This is all their fault... I couldn't care less about what humans do in their lives and I am so not interested in them at all.

Heck, being grounded great. I love staying down in the sewers with my brothers with nothing else to do but stare as they give me the silent treatment all because we're grounded!!

Wait a second! WE'RE GROUNDED!! I should not be out right now, Dad's gonna kill me if he finds out!! I'm Leonardo, the smartest, oldest and most responsible out of the ninja turtles, and I SNUCK out after my sensei specifically told me not to!!!"

"Are ya done?"

That wasn't me? I turned my head and broke out of my freak out session there was a human person standing behind me. Human arms crossed over a human torso.

It...she was looking at me with a raised eyebrow, and OH MY GOD she had hair. VERY VERY, Beautiful hair. And lots of it. And she was pretty for a human woman of course. Very pretty...glossy E/C (Eye Colour) eyes, she was  taller/shorter/the same height as me  my eyes scanned over her body taking it all in and....

"No offence, giant turtle thing, but can you stop checking me out. It's kinda weird" She said.

I yelped, struck out of my trance and almost fell of the building trying to regain my balance from jumping.

I cleared my throat trying to sound cool and used one of my katanas to lean on in a sort of cool stance. "Soo..human woman...What brings you to this building" I enquired, in my coolest voice

"Do you have Bronchitis by any chance?" She asked, concerned.

"WHAT? What, no.." I said, now switching back to my normal voice. "I'm fine. You?" I said raising my non-existant eyebrow to her.

"I'm fine, too, I was just looking for a place to relax.." She yawned, sitting down and patting a space next to her.

I took it and tried to look anywhere but at her to hide my face which was probably red.

"Tell me about it, I always need to relax because-"

"You're Leonardo, the smartest, oldest and most responsible out of the ninja turtles." She giggled.

"I said that out loud?"

" was funny but also I get that as feel like you got a lot of pressure since your the oldest sibling right?"

"Exactly." I replied.

"Ah shit, my mom's texting me." She said and pulled her phone out of her pocket, she wasn't looking at me anymore so I could steel more glances at her. She was wearing (whatever you want just don't be naked) with her H/C (Hair colour) hair loosely out flowing in the wind.

She had perfect teeth...perfect hands...perfect hair....a perfect nose...perfect arms.....perfect legs...

"Uh, Leonardo, you're staring again.." She said, casually snapping me out of it once again.

"SORRY, SORRY!" I shrieked, holding my arms out to protect myself I thought she was gonna hit me.

Instead she stood up, "Listen, Leonardo. My mom wants me home. It was great talking to you."

"CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER?" I blurted out, holding my phone to her.

"Sure, why not." She smiled and took my phone, showing off those perfect teeth again.

She handed it back to me and began climbing down the fire escape.

"Bye, Leo.." She said and disappeared.

Once she was clearly out of sight I whooped and cheered.

"I TALKED TO A WOMAN! AND BEAUTIFUL HUMAN WOMAN WITH PERFECT TEETH!!" I shreiled into the night even though it was late.

I check my phone for what her number and read out.


"Y/N....Y/N. Y/N!!!!!!!!" And then I took off back to the lair, sure that she would play on my mind all night...

Word Count: 840 Words

Later ShyBeanz🧡🍳😚

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