He realizes he likes you - 💙

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It was about a week after I first met Y/N, the beautiful, perfect in every way human woman who understood me so well.

We were out at around 11pm on a Friday night, I had snuck out to see her as we were sitting on the building we met on talking, our legs dangling as we talked and laughed.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You are a teenager, a ninja, a mutant turtle, AND the leader. Who are you? Barbie?" She exclaimed once I finished telling her more about me.

"No, I just have a lot to juggle being the oldest." I laughed.

"You know, you're bros must suck if they think you're lame. You're the coolest, Leo." She said and she laid her head on my arm.

My face got spiked with redness as she did so, she was looking up at me, I had a goofy smile on my face from crushing on her.

"Are you alright, Leo, you're going super red, right now." She asked, concerned. She lifted her hand to my head and began to feel it.

That didn't help though, if anything it made me, if possible, even more red from blushing.

"You don't seem to have a fever.." She said and realized I was fine except from a blushing overload and continued to rest her head on my arm looking off into the sky.

"The skies are so nice tonight don't you think?" She muttered to me. She was smiling beautifully.

I looked down at her and then back up at the sky. True it was, very beautiful. Dark blue with a hint of green.

From what she told me, she was very into astronomy so, I decided to empress her with a astronomy fact.


"Y/N. Did you know that when you look into the sky, the only planets you can see are: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus?" I told her confidently.

"Well, you're partly right. You can see every planet but Uranus with the naked eye."

I laughed at what she said "Do our eyes have to wear clothes?"

She laughed with me, and it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

"You're so hilarious, Leo." She whispered and laid her head on my arm again. She was super warm and she smelled like S/S (signature sent). NOT THAT I WAS SNIFFING HER OR ANYTHING!!

"I'm glad I met you, Leo." She said and took my hand in hers.



She gave me another pretty smile and got up "I should head home, it's late. Bye, Fearless leader." She said and climbed down the fire escape.

I stood there waving to her, as she went town. After she was out of sight I started processing that had just happened.

Wow, Wowie...I just held hands with a girl!!!!


Ok, Leo. Calm your hormones down...

Was that a friend hand-holding or a romantic lover hand-holding!!??

The real question is, what do I want it to be?

Friends or romantic lover...

"I wouldn't mind being her romantic lover..."

WAIT!! I like Y/N, don't I? I like like her don't I?

I mean who wouldn't like her. She's perfect. Calm, cool, pretty, funny, adorable, warm-hearted, and she makes my cheeks go all red.

That has to be a sign right.

I like her. But does she like me. What kind of question is that, of course she doesn't like me. I'm always ranting to her, half the time we talk I'm blushing half the time and it's clear that she only sees me like a friend.

But then again, what did she say to me again: "I'm really glad I met you, Leo?"

But was that a friend "I'm really glad I met you" or a romantic lover "I'm really glad I met you?

UGH!!! Why are human girls so complicated!!!!???

Still, she may be complicated as hell but she's still perfect.

Perfect hair, Perfect teeth, perfect nose, perfect hands...she's just so perfect...

I want her....I want her like I want a double cheese extra pepperoni pizza with mushrooms.

That'll help me think about all of this....

728 Words

Sorry this chapter sort of sucks I had no idea what to write.

-Buh Bye ShyBeanz💝💘💕

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