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This'll be the second part of a 3 part scenario <333


Human watch? Check. Stakeout Clothes? Check. Polaroid to take embarrassing photos and put them in a photo album? Of course, check.

Obviously I wasted no time in telling Y/N about those messages Mikey and B/F/N had been sending each other. Like what was I supposed to do?

"I knew they liked each other! Omg this is so cute, I'm gonna fangirl." She shrieked getting into her clothes.

"My little brother is growing up so fast!" I sighed, reminiscent of all the times he's vomited on my bandana's and had explosive diarrhoea on the carpet. (NOTE TO SELF: Tease him about it later). "I can't believe he's going on his first date! And what are the odds that it's with your best friend?" 

"I mean, we totally saw them drooling at each other when he all hung out that one time, didn't we? Like Mikey looked head over heels."

"This is totally reminding me of when me and you first met on the rooftop!" I gushed reminiscent  of that evening where I went off by myself to cool my head.

"What was it you said? "BECAUSE IM THE FEARLESS AND MOST RESPONSIBLE OF ALL THE NINJA" You were cute and goofy back then." Y/N sighed before the two of us walked to the door. "Shouldn't we split up?"

"How will you get to the sewer? And also I really REALLY like your company." I replied kissed her temple and opened the door. It was pouring rain, freaking cats and dogs.  "We could always stay here and cuddle, you know?" 

Y/N grabbed my arm and whispered: "This is your brother's first date. Pick me up." Seeing her stern face, I dropped the flirty convincing and scooped her up in my arms beginning to building jump. "Yes, ma'am..."

We jumped for a while contemplating whether or not, Mikey had actually used deodorant and brushed his teeth or if he didn't really care or not. We reached the lair and waited outside for a Mikey-spotting from the sewer system.

"Wait, so Mikey doesn't use deodorant?"

"Nope he only uses what he calls "body scrub" but I know for a fact its just dirt, salt and a little cologne he stole off of a human." 

"Now I know what to get him for his birthday- Hey! Is that him!?" 


Right, so...first date ever. It can't go too badly can it?

 Exactly: No Raph to flex and show off his muscles to B/F/N, no Donnie to randomly start nerding out about anime and definitely, NO Leo to swoon and gush over every little thing that happens. 

I slicked back my none existent hair in the window once more before I slipped out of the sewers, worrying a little too much on whether this was a joke on B/F/N's part or if she was delusional to go out with me of all my brothers.

I mean Raph was tall and relatively attractive, plus he had muscles and did I mention he was stronger than all of us? 

Donnie? Well his had the personality that most people wanted from a boy. Plus he was kpop and anime obsessed which was sure to bring in some girls.

Leo, he already had and girlfriend which I was totally not taking tips from. AND, he was the leader, ultimately making him more apealing over the rest of us.

And then you've got me...Mikey. 

I kept walking, kicking a rock and feeling a little self-conscious as I walked to the end. Checking to make sure that none of my bros had snuck out too, I pulled out a gift B/F/N had left outside the lair for me a few weeks ago. I had also stolen some clothes and shoes from a clothing store a while ago and slipped those over my shell. I took the gift out of the box after I read the note left on top of it.

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