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It's the final part guys, get ready for the cuteness ✨✨✨✨✨


B/F/N POV - 💚

Tori's a bitch, we all knew that. But this was just too far even for her. 

That's how me, Mikey, Y/N and Leo ended walking home in silence. It probably would have went on a lot longer before I decided to break it and get my answers. "So, you two wanna explain what you were doing crashing our date?" 

Leo busied himself with his fingernails and Y/N the stars as Mikey and I stared them down, waiting for an answer. "We're waiting." He added. Y/N huffed and finally caught our gaze a "I-really-need-to-explain?" look on her face, I knew it well but still silently replied "I'm-not-playing-answer-the-question." look. After a while of throwing each other various looks, Leo cut in and confessed.

"Well, you two obviously like each other so, we thought we get front row tickets to the cuteness and confessions?" Sheesh, that brought the heat to both of our faces. I averted my eyes from meeting Mikey's like my life depended on it. 

Did I like him?

None of your business.

"So?" Y/N asked, her and Leo now twinning looks of anticipation on their faces. "Do you like each other or not?"

I looked up at Mikey. As a turtle, he was a few inches taller me, but now as a human, he was at least 2 heads taller. Mikey looked down at me too, his cheeks perfectly rosy. I  fought back a smirk. "None of you beeswax."

"Oh, come on, you've been giving each other eyes for weeks!! Just admit you've got the hots for each other!" Leo yelled, attracting some attention from fellow pedestrians.

"Shut up, Leo." Mikey muttered, pulling his collar up, ultimately trying to hide his blush. 

"So you two, don't like each other? So that picnic was just a friendship date? That's fine then. I have some cousins of mine I need to set you up you." And with that, Y/N grabbed my hand and began dragging me in the other direction, until I felt a magically warm hand on my wrist pulling me back.

"Hey!" It was Mikey, he had a look that suggested his body leaped before it looked. "I uh, didn't get to say anything!"

"Well, then, spit it out!" Y/n laughed, whipping me around so I faced him, I giggled nervously. 

"So, I-I like you B/F/N. The way I like music, pizza with waffle-bits and drawing. Actually I like you a lot more than that, to be honest. B/F/N, you're like a warm pizza with mushrooms ripped in ranch." 

"He did not just compare her to a pizza." Leo whispered, but got shushed by Y/N as Mikey continued. 

"Sorry, I'm doing a really terrible job. It's just, you just make me feel so good, being with you just feels so right. I just want to like you." 


Mikey had his hands on B/F/N. Leo looked like he was about to cry. It was a normal evening.

"Sorry, that was pretty bad." Mikey looked away and loosened his grip on B/F/N's waist, but before he could even blink, B/F/N reached upwards and held his face, making her look at him.

"You're fine." She pulled his clothes, bringing him to her, face reddening. "You're amazing." One hand was pulling his hoodie down to her and the other was holding his arm, guiding it back down to her waist. "You're really amazing." 

And she pecked him on the lips. You and Leo held in your squeals as well as each other to keep you two for fainting and ruining the moment. Pulling away, she smiled at him, their faces matching in colour as they giggled nervously.

"Did I just compare you to a pizza, a few seconds ago?" 

"You most definitely did." Leo told his brother once you two calmed yourselves down from the cuteness.

"Shut up, Leo." Mikey replied, covering his blush again.

"It's ok. I liked it." B/F/N reassured him, taking his hand and kissing it lightly. 

"I like you." Mikey told her, resorting to flirting instead of fanboying at the sudden PDA. He then put his arm on her head and began to walk. 

"Hey, I'm not an armrest!" 

"You look like one..."

"You're lucky you're cute when your laughing."

Giggling echoed through the night as the four of you walked back to the lair. 

Operation Status: Complete.


Hey, ShyBeanz! I just wanted to let you know that updates for the next week will be a little different, as we've sadly had a death in my family. Fortunately, I think I'm strong enough mentally not to put this book on hiatus, although I planned to upload 3 new chapters to this book and 2 to each of my other ones. 

I'll still upload, just a little bit slower with shorter chapters. I would also appreciate any requests on scenarios you guys would like: Anything is welcome!!!

Thanks for everything, ShyBeanz 😇💜✌️


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